
The Borderlands 2 bundle set for north America has better battery life,Smaller Vita than the last one & has a 1 GB memory built in but doesn't have the OLED screen the old has.Good luck & the Japan Vita still works with North America games & the other way around.

Spend $300 on a wireless headset that is supposed to receive 8 channel digital audio and do wireless chat and then downgrade it to a wired headset that is receiving sub-par quality analog stereo audio via a homemade mod. Right, truly a genius you are.

Play Full Throttle

"Want to come to the future with me?"

The way we've played games has changed in the last 35-40 years. The games and consoles we have now are a result of tremendous change and technological advancements to get to this point.

Should be good, but what do I know, I thought Timothy Olyphant was good in his Hitman movie.

I'll stick with my Tritton Kunai's. I use them for both my Wii U, 3DS, PC, and phone. Wireless is nice, but not $300 nice...

Me, I just don't waste it on Astros.

He means that the install base for the new Playstation and Xbox aren't enough to support a release on only those platforms without also releasing on ps3 and 360. Plus a more powerful version for PC.

"I'm not going to fuck around with you like Valve does with Half-Life 3."

You can say a lot about square-enix and their mobile games, but they're one of few large companies that take the potential of hardcore gaming on mobile platforms seriously. While not all of their games are like that (*cough* All The Bravest cough), games like Deus Ex The Fall (while not perfect), their TWEWY and Final

I agree 100% that BF4 was rushed and suffered for it, like a lot of EA games. I wish we could have games without stupid boards of directors that ignore everything except their margins.

It's not like the teams swap sides at the end of each map.

So, there you have the order of battle: 1. DLC. 2. Progression-blocking bugs—maybe. 3. Forget it.

Dustforce (Vita) - super-hard, somewhat inscrutable controls, a game that's not as good as Olli Olli, but oddly enough it's a game I enjoy more than Olli Olli.

When you buy the game, you get 3 free months. Every additional month afterward is 15 dollars. The positive side is that if you have PSN you don't have to worry about paying PSN costs on top of the subscription. Or something like that. Just thought that might enlighten a few people! Have a nice day.

agreed. My opinions on MMOs are either 1)game is free but theres a subscription 2)game costs a retail price, but there is no subscription/very very cheap subscription

Yeesh, a lot of people put time and effort into the game, I don't think it should come out for free. I do cringe a bit at a game with a subs fee AND full price for the actual game but saying it should be FREE is a bit much.

thanks for the comparison and critique. please review more videos and get back to us with your opinion.


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Wow, you made a sarcastic post degrading a comment. You are so cool and original!