
I had kind of forgotten about her but that’s probably because this show is shown very erratically. There has been several breaks in this series it’s been hard to remember it all.

Can we not do Duke Nukem like Austin Powers of the 90's? Man out of time? Poke fun at both the 90's and present day!

I think he wants the Jedi to end because he’s seen first hand what happens when a discipline is so polarised between good and evil. If one must be pure then one must be evil so I hope he envisions a future of greys instead of black and white.

Agents of Shield creeping up on 100eps? I would have never expected it but that last season was dope. Whoever had the idea to split the season into 3 mini plots needs a massive raise.

My money’s on Annihilation.

I don’t think the Last Jedi title implies that someone will die, I think it indicates Luke is done with training Jedi and will now seek to train her up with more balance of the force.

Who would win in a fight? Medusa’s wig or Olly’s flashback wig?

Do yourself a favour and don’t search for it. The one fucking season where they go completely off book and I still know what happens.

I just wanted to say, I read the leaked scripts a few weeks back thinking they were the usual bollocks. After 2 episodes they have been horrifically correct and I now realise I know what happens for the entire season 😯

Anyone have a clue as to how this will play out in the UK?

Well one season was practically 1 day (or felt like it)

Considering the first run gave us these two panels I personally can’t wait.

Well the Mad King may not have been so mad at all. Maybe he had visions of the White Walkers but everyone else thought he was nuts.

I will take this opportunity to ask you Rob, where have your recaps gone?

Fox owns annhilus? my dream is over!

It’s not the zombies you have to worry about in the zombie apocalypse. Its the other crazy people with guns, have you not been watching the same show I’m watching?

You can’t kill Thanos without Drax. Just saying.

Hopefully they can do a feature length final episode and air it on amazon.

I’m pretty bummed, this is the first show that’s been cancelled while I was watching (and loving) it.