
It's really fun multiplayer, but please do not play singleplayer! I hated the game after playing by myself. The AI is like playing with potatoes. Ended up picking it up for free from Gamefly several months later with a friend. It was very fun playing it with another person.

$99 FOR 500GB!?! I live in the UK, so not sure if this is the norm in the US, but DAMN that's ridiculous!
Currently paying around £50 a month for 70Mbps (2oMbps up) with no caps, which includes a phone package and basic TV. This is pretty normal in the UK with BT and Virgin Media. US need to catch up with better

I can sympathize with Mike - I had a similar epiphany in my late teens, when I realized I had spent much of my adolescence using my self-identification as a nerd, and the fact that I was often bullied by bigger/dumber/more popular kids as an excuse for behavior that, in my mind, was simply me innocently using my mind

Really though, what purpose does a picture of your flannel serve in an article about video games? That's an honest question, I have nothing against hipsters, but it does seem a little weird.

Someone notify the FIB.

Art imitates life imitates art.

I don't like the grind, but it really doesn't matter how much money I have if I can't use weapons and vehicles until a certain rank is reach. A friend of mine had a bunch of money go his way he tried giving me some but I declined wasn't gonna do me any good if I don't wanna play online enough to rank up to even rank 20

i still have a hell of a time getting this game to load sometimes. It seems to stem from the "resume games quickly beta" setting and "always on" power setting on the Xbox One.

What Snowden did was treason. Breaking your security clearance for whatever reason is a form of treason. I'm not going to argue whether he should have done it or not, but the fact of the case is that he is a traitor to the government whom he was contracted to.

I think the exaggeration in your first two lines shanked your message. I agree with the general gist, however.

So, I still feel there was some value to Greg's comment despite the first couple of lines. Why are we not also giving awards to everyone else's profession in the studio? Recognition should really go to each field, and not just the high visibility ones.

While understand your point, voice actors are fine to have their own award. I also like your award ideas.

I really like my Wii U, thanks for mentioning it. Pikmin 3, Monster Hunter 3, Zelda, Rayman, The Wonderful 101, and now the new Super Mario 3D Worlds have kept me entertained for hours!