You can’t posthumously out someone. They are dead. They do not care if they are in the closet anymore. Because they are dead.
You can’t posthumously out someone. They are dead. They do not care if they are in the closet anymore. Because they are dead.
This is an amazing article with some amazing people
All the time
I completely forgot about the whole Christina talking about Lexie’s corpse being eaten in the woods
Those fuckin “log cabin” republicans are the biggest fuckin snowflakes. They’re used to being the token gay guy in their friend group and can’t stand being around other homos.
So why are you so bothered that you typed out this comment and posted this?
No but you are a piece of shit for suggesting that people with herpes do not have “normal sex lives” and trying to hide behind some “stigma” bullshit.
50-80% of people have oral herpes
1. She contracted oral herpes
What in the actual fuck is this chick talking about. She has a mild skin condition and will probably never have another outbreak again. Emotional distress?? People act like herpes is like having fuckin diabetes or other actual chronic conditions.
I love electronic music so listening to this 10 minute long dance tracks was some next level shit when I did a couple bumps. I felt like I could feel every texture of the synths and was enveloped by the music.
Ketamine is very chill and you’ll be too spaced out to say anything truly stupid. Everything just moves kind of slowly and you feel fantastic.
Sunday brunch is a perfect first date time
When people stop caring about sex let me know
And so this mess of a press tour begins and AB isn’t even being the messy one...
Yeah I’m not down with how freely faggot flows from her lips even if also of what she says about White Gays is far too true. But there’s a way to say White Gays ain’t shit without saying faggot.
Azealia Banks on a press tour?
Kellyanne would look younger if she didn’t keep her self at an artificially low body weight