Now playing

I see your Arockalypse and raise you Xena Warrior Princess, Ukraine 2004 Style.

Of course, I also thought there was an angel named "Harold" who helped Gabriel; in my mind, they were partners like Starsky and Hutch (Gabriel and Harold).

I'm replying to you but I could have replied to anyone on this thread:

I haven't seen Remember Me, is it as tasteless as it sounds from the description (teen angst, poor little rich boy, whimsical pixie dream girl, wail wail sob, SURPRISE 9/11)?

But I went to school with a lot of girls that were obsessed with A Walk to Remember

Oh wow, that's exactly what I thought when I first saw the video. That's a LOT of paper, I thought. Even if they recycled, that's a lot to recycle!

I KNOW! And sympathize, which is why I had a Monica moment, lol.

Except for the romance novels (fantasy and SF for me, thanks) I am with you, sister.

But I thought we would still have Zoidberg! We would ALL still have Zoidberg!

Love it so much!

I'm not going to talk about the time my gynaecologist made a comment about my weight that bothered me so much I'm putting off going back to her, even though the problem I had came back.

I would have existed all my life in that state of innocence, if my local supermarket wouldn't have chosen to play that fucking song.

The difference between this and your example of working with John Lennon is that John was never accused of being a paedophile. That's the difference.

Who ordered the fucking crazy today? Seriously?

Apparently he's been dating a photographer for a number of years.

Yup - and incredibly mansplainy too. I love being told by some guy that I'm a prude for not liking the way Polanski put rape scenes in his version of Macbeth. Cured me of wanting to comment there in a hurry.

I agree, 100%. I tried to read a few of those, and when I realised that I didn't want to watch or hadn't watched any of the movies on their "Best" list, while one of the movies I'd actually liked, with caveats, was on their Worst list, I said fuck'em. I'll make my own mind up, thanks.

Oh wow, thanks so much! As soon as I read "videos with choreographed dances" my first thought was I AM SO THERE. GIMME SOME O'THAT! And I was not disappointed - awesome video!

Exactly. The song is "Sharp Dressed Man", not "Deliberately Dressed Like Someone Who Hasn't Washed For a Year Man".