Thanks so much! Sounds amazing!
Thanks so much! Sounds amazing!
Oh, now you’ve done it. Thanks very much.
Grace Kelly’s shrewish The Country Girl
This is my experience with playing the Game of Thrones Telltale game - and yes, the “illusion of choice” is one of the problems.
Finally, a question I can answer! I think.
Lol. Unfortunately, you didn’t wait long enough so that ‘Ana’ couldn’t edit anymore, so ‘Ana’s a “devil’s advocate” now.
At least it wasn’t Catholic White Church where you do calisthenics for God with all the kneeling and standing and sitting and bowing to the alter.
Yes, you’re right. That didn’t stop them from hating her and giving “the problems Hillary will cause” as a reason for voting for Trump. I have spoken with one of these people. Recently, even. They’re fine with the choice they made, because, and I quote, “I couldn’t let Hillary win.”
I agree with you 100%.
I mean, seriously? What’s wrong with these teachers and principal? So you can’t wake him up, fine. You walk away, saying “Ok, I’m calling an ambulance, better safe than sorry.”
I have Adblocker Ultimate - when there’s a vid linked on the main page it still autoplays, but it’s silent, so I can scroll past it quickly.
That’s only because he was a kid, and could be told to go to his room. He could only be controlled by his (double) grandfather, and even then, the guy had to be in the same city as him.
I also love the idea that having your jaw wired shut meant you lost weight and were hot forever!
Just like sauvage, I am hijacking, even though I read this post with interest and can I say how much I hate the colours they’re (the Royal Family? some advisor stuck in 1953?) making Meghan wear? Let’s see, there was beige, greige (shudder) and now, brown. Ok, ENOUGH! She should be rocking the jewel tones with her…
Yes, exactly! Where’s the editorial in the Washington Post about this? Oh, I guess being asked to leave a restaurant is worse than having an asshole with a huge audience paint a target on you.
there are children in cages for being the wrong color and you are wringing your hands about dinner reservations.