
Mrs. Slocombe, is that you?

I watched all of Treadstone, and really wanted it to be good, but it just wasn’t. There were too many characters in too many storylines that were clearly going to be connected, but weren’t, it jumped around too much between them, and I mostly didn’t care.

I had a very different interpretation. Propaganda is seductive and it is easy for people (especially kids) to buy into the world-view they are being fed. His mom (and absent dad who was in the resistance) knew better; but couldn’t risk exposing him to what they were up to. He met a real Jewish person and discovered

I liked the Prodigy’s cover best - Warm My Bitch Up

Pharrell then discussed his next project, a cover of “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”.

And yet, it wasn’t as horrifying as when he realized that Robin Thicke had zero talent.  

I *was* a kid Georgie's age in the 80s. I liked clowns at the circus. I wouldn't have trusted a clown not at the circus. Especially one as OBVIOUSLY EVIL as Billy Skaar. Again, the miniseries got it right. That Pennywise had some charm. That makeup seemed relatively benign. The movie Pennywise is a monster from the

Fucking this so Goddamn much.

There’s aspects of that first movie I will admit I liked, but the design of Pennywise has bugged me ever since they first announced it because it’s so overtly ‘EVIL CLOWN’.

Especially since the clown persona was, at least in part, supposed to serve as a lure to children. When I saw the

It’s a big deal if the plot is to make the most sense. Pennywise doesn’t make sense as a lure to 80s kids (in the book the kids during the “now” portion don’t seem at all tempted by him anymore). You don’t care? Okay. I do. You’re right about it not changing the book. It just makes the adaptation not as good as it

A clown appearing on TV is not a “TV clown”. There’s a distinction. In local markets during the 50s and 60s there were kids shows *hosted* by clowns. It was a TV fad. Ronald popping in for a 30 second commercial spot isn't the same.

The best scare in the first one was when the librarian was staring at Ben, out of focus, in the background. And every time the camera cut away, she was suddenly closer to him.

I wish the first movie (and from the sound of it, the second) would have gone further in that direction - the dread, as you said, that no one in

The town itself as the primary antagonist is what made the book so special. The film barely touches on that, opting for special effects and jump scares instead, and that’s why it fails.

Sorry I didn’t like the not very good movie that you did and that I think the follow-up will probably also be lousy! It’s my favorite King book so it’s something I’ve spent a bit of time thinking about, but hey, you’re right! It’s just a circlejerk. Also: the movie isn't overrated. It's simply not good.

You’ve completely nailed it. A regional, generational horror is what made the book scary. The voices talking to Bev through the sink drain just blew my mind as a kid. 

you have to pay youtube nothing to see it pirated the day they put it out

And if it’s done in a way that’s incredibly sensitive and about the story, what are they worried about? I don’t understand that.

I liked this better when it starred Nicholas Cage and featured torture by honeybees.  

I’m sorry you need every person explaining things to you to sound like Pee Wee Herman or Bill O’Reilly, but this guy sounds like an expert who was asked to talk on the internet, not an internet commentator pretending to be an expert on movie posters. Not everyone speaks like a toddler on adderal no matter how much the

but what you are not taking into account are all of the factors that happen on the business side. Actors’ contracts will often dictate how big they appear on the poster, how big the name of the studio will be, whether or not key plot elements will be depicted etc... Your “far superior” poster example is graphically

I fucking love Winter Soldier, and I’m not ashamed to say my top 3 are Winter Soldier, Thor Ragnarok, and Infinity War. I’m also irrationally angry at your bottom-tier rank of the Ant-Man movies, HOWEVER, the first one had such a shitty villain.  Ant-Man and the Wasp was fantastic!  That’s a top tier movie for me at