I’d try to trip the opponents too if lack of effort could easily result in my murder and the murder of my family.
I’d try to trip the opponents too if lack of effort could easily result in my murder and the murder of my family.
[loud screaming]
Thank God this guy was wearing headphones:
But he will always fall short because he isn’t Ivanka, and his dad doesn’t want to fuck him.
“Having great hitters only makes it harder to sacrifice bunt.” - Donny Baseball
As much as I think that using the word causally is a negative reflection of the causal users own intellect, I do think that the word needs to be reappropriated and applied to people of average intellect who choose not to apply it, to the detriment of everyone else.
He’s a member of what we can now call the Derp State.
Girl #1 : “Where’s the party at?”
the absolute craziest, most insane gun owners...who are also the ones who are actively defining the NRA’s policies and the political debate on the issue.
The flaw in his argument is that it’s reasonable and well articulated.
You’re overthinking it. Countries that put harsher restrictions on guns see a drop in gun related deaths. Individual states with stricter gun regulations have fewer gun related deaths. A lot of people keep saying “It won’t work” and they’re ignoring that we have plenty of evidence that it is already working in other…
I’ll be nicer about it: the Democrats have never had a filibuster-proof majority since the assault weapons ban was repealed in 2004. They literally have never had the opportunity to re-enact that ban. So it’s hard to blame them from a legislative standpoint.
I say this as a gun owner: This is a fucking exclusive republican problem. The CDC is prohibited form researching gun violence because of fucking republicans.
I mean, Catholic lady up there spent her morning at Mass praying and look where it got her.
He will be the literal poster child on the Fox Couch tomorrow. They may even get the graphics dept. to put devil horns on him.
Pops/Kerr 2020
Steve Kerr—never one to shy away from expressing his takes on politics and gun control in particular—was asked about…
Show some actual fucking remorse or contrition instead of passing these charges off as gossip?
Pile of Tic Tacs: 2020!