
I know what “incel” means, but in my day, we just called these guys losers.

“Backdoor Bandit” sounds like a porno, I’m sorry

Are we sure this isn’t just some BS the MTA made up to blame away its ever-mounting failures?

MORE LIKE “CLICK-FIL-A,” AMIRITE??? I just don’t understand why people get all worked up over stupid junk food. Garbage in, garbage out. You are what you eat.

The Horseshoe Crab Blood chaser will revive him

photo credit: Rob MacInnis

:pushes glasses up nose: well actually, Brunhilde is a Valkyrie, not a mere viking.

Is NYC really the best place to be having this discussion? (Asking as a New Yorker.)

just tie a balloon to the handlebars :D

only the purest, most finest baby poop.

I think some mineral waters are salty, like Gerolsteiner. I really don’t know the differences between vichy water, mineral water, seltzer and club soda, and am too lazy to google.

I like cans, but the idea of cracking a can and not hearing that sweet fizz of carbonation is extremely disappointing.

Seltzer is a thing and is delicious, fizzy, and comes in a can. 

s h e w a s n e v e r p u n k dogfuckingchrist

John Philip Sousa, 1854

Will their puny brains implode trying to do a workaround if we tell them of the existence of a motorcycle gang called the “Hell’s Angels?”

I’m dead. Trump=General Woundwort in this reboot. 

Clayboy Pub has a sick 2-for-1 Mudslides night, I’ve heard.

I’m excited to hear how you feel about jet fuel being able to melt steel beams.