Eight years left? I guess she just wants to get back to the velvet underground, back to the floor that she loves. To a room with some lace and paper flowers, back to the gypsy that she was. To the gypsy that she was.
Eight years left? I guess she just wants to get back to the velvet underground, back to the floor that she loves. To a room with some lace and paper flowers, back to the gypsy that she was. To the gypsy that she was.
No mention anywhere on this site of the death of Helen Reddy today?
That said, there is something funny about him threatening the statutory maximum for people who are mean to statues.
The law he “created” already existed. He’s just directing attention to it. It’s also only applicable on Federal property and for statues marked as “veteran memorials.” In other words, he still hasn’t done shit during his term except makes things worse.
This is one of those things where religious rules and recommendations clash with safety.
There are “things” which are worth avoiding in our food. But the idea that everything around us is dangerous, or toxic, or even just “gross” is an anthropogenic way of making ourselves needlessly miserable.
So glad I spent half my childhood camping and doing wilderness survival. Bugs are awesome.
Good thing the president is immune from conflicts of interest.
oh great, this asshole is inciting riots and violence again
Yes. Capitalism uses such language to shift the burden away from those who wield money and power onto the everyone else, so the failures can’t be pinned on them. Even going as far as making it sound like a moral failing, as you pointed out, which is so insidious and cynical. Because what if people really started to…
I assume the people demanding the ultimate sacrifice are eager to be the first ones in line!
I really want to see the melt down on live TV where someone, anyone, just blurts out “OBAMA!” the next time one of these dolts asks “Who could have done it better?”
In a country that wasn’t openly flirting with fascism, a politician who so openly displays contempt for the health and safety of other humans would just be shameful. All of us would feel ashamed for the guy. We’d recognize that he’s a tool. That’d be the news story.
there is no solace in wishing for that sometime down the road ... I want retribution now. I want this jackassed douche out on his as in Nov.
No, classic example of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Also twist: “I’m brilliant in one field, therefore brilliant in another after a quick bit of browsing data”
Had a roommate who would buy bananas specifically to make banana bread, and left them out on the counter to go brown. The problem was there was about a sub-24-hour window between “optimal for banana bread” and “fruit flies”
Classic example of “I’m rich because I’m smart, and I’m smart because I’m rich” phenomenon.