I am beyond thrilled to realize that I don’t know, or care, about any of these people.
I am beyond thrilled to realize that I don’t know, or care, about any of these people.
weirdly ok. We still have our basic-ass arguments, but I’m a stay-at-home parent and I’m happy that she’s also home now— it’s helpful to have another adult in the house. Maybe it’s less FOMO/professional jealousy?
That’s fucked up that PA closed the liquor stores.
Kefir is my go-to, since we usually have a bottle on hand at all times! It’s gaining popularity here in the States and lasts for quite awhile. Also, did you know you can “kefir” almost anything, including Gatorade?
Last week, after freezing yet another batch of bananas for bread/smoothies that will never be made, I mentioned to my wife that she doesn’t have to buy the entire bunch of bananas and she kind of gave me a blank stare. I don’t want to press the issue as we’re living in close quarters these days, but I think maybe she…
Wow, Scrooge. Just wow.
ugh, I’m just thinking about how latex attracts hair and dust
Never thought of making a syrup (honey) into another syrup (honey syrup). The more you know!
I was gonna say. Hot Pocket Heiress owes me a few tastebuds.
Counterpoint: grow the fuck up.
Seconded. I was surprised this only got a “just fine” or whatever. That embroidery!
Obviously “Chasten” Buttigieg can’t be trusted when there’s a stripper pole in the room. Two Slippery Nipple shots and he’d be all up on that shit.
Is it just me, or would a Warren/Sanders ticket be fire? Can we please have that?
Pretty sure Andrew Jackson started that homespun populist bullshit wagon
similar in Norway. There’s forspiller (literally “foreplay,” or “pre-gaming” as we call it in the US), then the obligatory trip to the klub, then back home for “nattspiller” (“night-play”) and drunkenly ordering a pizza and eating it with forks and knives because Norwegians eat everything with forks and knives, except…
oh damn
foie gras. go for the gold.
Maybe the cop has a degradation fetish that doesn’t have a good outlet and calling himself a “f-ing pig” is the only thing that gets his rocks off, except it’s just not working as well anymore and like I said, he can’t get his wife to call him a “f-ing pig” in bed so this was his last resort. I bet he came so hard…
WELL ACTUALLY, this would be an allision. A collision is when two vessels strike each other. An allision is between a moving vessel and a stationary object.