MPAA is already taken as an acronym
MPAA is already taken as an acronym
I’m betting he doesn’t know what “E pluribus unum” means.
Same. This movie sounds good but fuck that, I’m not paying to see another LGBT+ sacrifice.
Joel Osteen to the front of the line, please
I’ve never eaten ass, which makes me deeply uncool
that’s what she said huh-huhuh-huh-huhrrrrr
what the actual fuck, a more-horrifying circus peanut?
I learned so much about breastfeeding during my wife’s pregnancy that blew my mind. For example, breastmilk creates antibodies in response to pathogens detected in the baby’s saliva. It’s WILD. That said, breastfeeding is hard AF when you…
For the equivalent, go for bubble tea, ice cream, or any low-stakes fad food/drink, but not somewhere with a waiter. A farmer’s market could be fun.
I watched Nanette after a straight friend recommended it because, “y’know, you’re queer, and it’s really important!” She didn’t tell me it wasn’t exactly comedy. While I did find it smart, I was mostly annoyed. Literally the last thing I need is a white woman telling me how I should feel about Donald’s not…
Check out Transmitter Brewing in Long Island City, about a 10 minute walk from the 7 train, if you want to try some cool sour/wild ales. They’re nice folks.
Maybe don’t go to Russia, where they outlawed rainbow flags because it’s against “family values?” My wife is from Moscow, we’re a queer couple with a toddler, and she has no desire to go back. I would love to see the museums but why the fuck would I spend any money in a country with a terrible human rights record— a…
If this ring is “designed,” then my kitchen junk drawer is “carefully curated.”
this needs more stars!
Ummmm “The Yearling” needs this treatment. Fuck stories where killing the thing you love most makes you into a man.
Yeah, I was a chunker and Ground Round’s penny a pound neatly conflated my anxiety about being a fat kid (I wasn’t that fat, but my sister was a runt in comparison) with my worry that my family was poor (we were middles class and stable, but still). So I would get stressed that I was costing my family money by being…
OK but:
My downstairs neighbor is going to haaaate this.