
Doesn’t match your viewpoint so throw it out. Makes sense. Vaguely topical too

You are wrong on so many levels.

I call bs. You don’t know men

Counterpoint friendships vary

Wait, nopes

What a weird argument...

ye Joe Nixon thought the same...

Depending on height you should go for the throat ?

Weird arguments here. She wasn’t protecting herself. She was mad about a behavior. There was no incidence of protecting herself.


My daughter is five and very physical. I could see her being a tickle person. My wife is not a tickle person.

Good for standing up for yourself.

Not really seeing that. She got treated like a person.

Wasn’t that okay? You didn’t want to be touched. The warning made your limits known.

That’s a bit extreme. Friendship tester. The other side of the coin was she didn’t want complicated. So she didn’t want to deal with the repercussions until she got too upset.

Why do you think that? Grab ass is very heteronormative for juveniles( girls/boys)

Family is the best.

Weird super model story

Group mentality works that way. It wouldn’t matter if it was girls or guys

To be fair, women can also be sensitive about it. Especially when it’s happening