Is your dad that squeamish or is that just a lack of trust?
Is your dad that squeamish or is that just a lack of trust?
Probably due to exposure. If you have boys expose them to that part of life. Also likely generational.
Weird. That sounds like to much investment unless you are planning to get married.
That’s not true. Support was specifically from all white women (non college educated) so...
That’s a sad view.
Culturally, why? Women without women friends are blasted by other women. What are you trying to change then. Make that target population smaller. Show them a better way?
Weird references.
That’s the double game isn’t it. Women are taught to compete and standout.
Thank you for sharing.
It’s an interesting question, the precise natures of rule and constructs. How one operates within the voids of the rules.
Not to pry, but are you saying as a girl you have two close female friends or guy?
More, please. This sounds real.
Those who want both?
So true. The juvenile behaviors she described are very much that: homo/hetero-similar. People who went to single sex schools could probably describe similar occasdions( I know I can).
Huh? Not sure how this point plays in here. She did the deed and no violence was reciprocated?
What do you mean? Like legally it’s self defense? Or the action itself is not sexual assault. Because it very much is .
Disagree with your first point( i.e. Men don’t get sexually harassed or touched inappropriately). Very much agree with your second point though.
Your first premise is so wrong it’s unnerving. Men get sexually harassed all the time. Part of the problem is that becomes normalized behavior, which leads some men to think sexual harassment is okay.
Isn’t that normal?finding a reason to be dissatisfied with the one your with?
That’s the bad publicity of men. The male body is just as beautiful