
Well it’s also been clearly reported that he was the one to call the cops. But hey why put that in the story.

She’s very white presenting. I don’t get this comment.

How dare they shower 🚿 n the nude. So unrealistic 

Good point. Google Scholar shows the disparities at least in the 2012 article. “The evil woman hypothesis would assume women are sentenced more harshly, but data show men receive longer sentences for sex offenses than women.”

Yikes. Talk about not knowing anything about other people. Hint: Girls write a lot of the fan fiction out there.

Good point. The other subtler one is that often if women couldn’t really handled being called rapists. Because if you think about the latter, thats actually what happened.

Please don’t use that anecdote as an acceptable response. I am pretty sure most victims of sexual abuse you would never know if they had been.

This isn’t really true. Most men teachers are accused of doing it with girl. Perhaps google more stories about male teachers.

Ah yes, this anecdote is very unhelpful. Guess what a lot of criminals have in common (men and women).

This deserves a ban. I cannot understand how these 2 comments have been allowed to stand on this site.

This is terribly bad.

A Brock Turner sentence. 

Weird he didn’t get to the do the oscars either....

This argument is stagnant.

Also something people in community have said and continue to say. 

Umm I hope your not flagging off her husband. 

What a lame shot

Fairway of them all.

It’s amazing how people project themselves unto others so much. It didn’t work for you. Doesn’t mean it work work for someone else.

Yikes. So hahha I was just joking.... what is Clara on about?