
You can if you stick the CPU to the cooler with extra paste and then try to install the cooler and CPU at the same time. Looks like that’s what the author attempted by the pictures.

I really don’t think you can bend the pins of your cpu while installing the cooler. That’s just crazy talk.

And having read many reviews (although I’ve read far from all of them), this is the first time I’m hearing negatives about the AMD cooler offerings, a lot of people seem to like them as far as stock coolers go.

well.. it has gotten more expensive due to inflation......

OMG - I think I may have found my next project - a shifter gate for the TR6.....

These things are also f’n expensive...

I’ve had the Nexus 4, 5, 5x 6p, and Pixel XL, and 2 and well as a few awful phones and a OnePlus1.

Currently on a Pixel 2.

Everything is awesome, can’t understand what people seem upset about. Everyone around me has pixels or iphones. Everyone that travels around me is the same way. Maybe I’m just in a weird world or

Gotta Backup TheGCU on this one.

Tribal snobbery gets real old real fast. 

Wish I could give that more stars.

don’t realize that they’re not really Car People”

I don’t get the hate for the notch. Do people think the notch is taking away screen space? They’re not covering something up, they’re adding extra pixels to the sides that would have been blank.

Does anyone give a shit about “fair” as long as your survive a crash? Who’s gonna walk away from an accident and be pissed that front-engine cars didn’t have a “fair” chance?

Fresh from Auto Guys ass to your computer!

Time to learn how to wrench.

I knew somebody would make the perfunctory Jezebel insult, I just wasn’t sure how. This was a stretch, but you get the idiot medal for today.

Atleast you’re not 530-years old. Imagine how embarrassing that would be.

fractional cost of a true hybrid system with far less complexity for a noticeable gain in city driving. Seems like it would be crazy to NOT consider.

They look perfectly plausible for people who are 21 (Leon) and 19 (Claire).