
In terms of the foam being ‘too hard’ - you would surprisingly want the foam here to be super hard so that it slows you down enough before you hit the concrete floor, if this was straight up styrofoam she probably would have been fine apart from some bruising. Foam pits need to be engineered and this was not.

Yes. I don’t think that’s undeserved but I think it’s one thing when a man says that something that has never existed before is coming to market in 2 years (full autonomy) and another to believe that Tesla has improved their existing production pipeline. After 12 years I should hope so

Plus additional cooling capacity should allow faster charge times

The engineering explained video is about why efficiency should matter to potential Porsche buyers, Jason says this in the first 40 seconds. He at no point claims to know why the range is what it is. As of 12/28/19 nobody outside of Porsche is fully aware of all of the reasons for the taycan’s range. If you want an

That’s brilliant I hadn’t even thought of that. It drives me nuts knowing how needed this infrastructure is and that we’re building out two incompatible systems. Tesla should be the standard because it’s already there. Tesla should make their supercharging business a new entity that doesn’t have their name on it. They

I bet those early bikes were terrible, but then again there were no cars either so I bet if you were on decently flat roads or paths then the world was your oyster

Yes to all of this! But real talk I haven’t seen anyone take full control of a hybrid system. I’ve seen aftermarket ECU’s that provide full control over every imaginable engine perameter but I don’t believe they extende to the hybrid system. There are a dozen articles online projects where people try to to get

Can we try this again but replace the Wrangler with Chrisfix’s Hummer?

This is an excellent question, new models and textures even without rtx still sounds good to me

With twin spark plugs and distributors it sounds a bit like an aircraft engine

You forgot to mention right to repair shadyness!

Samsung has done it for years on phones that are cheaper? Apple can do it if they wanted to especially on the larger Xs max, it’s just a headphone jack. I have a pixel 2 ( no headphone jack) and when I ride in other peoples cars I would much rather use the aux jack instead of trying to pair every time. I use Bluetooth

I’m cool with losing an election if it’s fair. You win some, you lose some.

Fun fact:Cinturato” directly translates to “belted” referencing the radial construction

It’s because the word “notch” insinuates that something is missing or has been removed. If they said that they added “bunny ears” to the display, people would feel like they got something extra and would be a lot happier with the design

Is that Gordon Freeman?


I’ve always wanted one of those, any modification you would perform to it would be an upgrade

Melissa Smith is equal parts badass and spry! Lady got her car back - Happy Ending. That’s all I care about

They should make a shelby semi-truck