
I’m not going to cheer too much for him; he doesn’t have a whole lot to lose, considering he’ll likely be dead before the next elections. But, thanks, John, for fucking McConnell on your way out.

Unfortunately that is not true. I had thought so as well. The technical reason is the skinny repeal was an amendment to the house bill. Thus, they never actually voted on the “real” bill. That means, they can still use the reconcilliation process. I was very sorry to discuss this last night

I am so tired of Tomi Lahren: this Anne Coulter 2.0 shtick is killing me inside. And what’s worse, she’s had all this exposure and people praising her opinion at a young age: as far as she’s concerned, she’s The Child What Come To Lead Us, with her unique insights that no one else could possibly have.

Nah. Three dudes, one assumes they were in possession of testicles, armed with a gun, tried to attack her.

This is no bottom. They keep finding new ways to go lower.

You’re right.

Not to be a dick, I wouldn’t do this to his face, but eye roll at that Tracy Morgan quote. I guess I just don’t get religion. The accident brought him closer to god because he could have died but he didn’t. So he thinks god spared him? But took his friend? Bleh. Whatever. Like there is some sort of magic plan

None of the above. The goal is to reduce taxes. I don’t mean the Obamacare twxes, but all taxes.

I never thought I’d wake up, check the news, and actually see that John McCain took a fucking stand against his party. Like I literally froze up from shock for a second because I don’t know how to process McCain not being a spineless partisan hack.

I wonder if Trump will turn on him and I wonder if he will say something truly ghoulish about trying again later. Hell, I almost expect it at this point

Oh sweet god fuck damn shit.

This is about destroying Obamas legacy, not licking the toes of their lobbyist paymasters.

It’s pure tribalism. About 85% of the country is against this bill, but because Republicans want a “win” (which means passing ANYTHING), they are willing to proceed. Many of them know this is wrong, but they don’t want the tribe to turn on them.

“Pegged correctly” is how he likes it.

* repeatedly chosen to suck

Mike Pence has been thrust into the limelight because he was pegged correctly as a zealot slimeball who is willing to give up any shred of humanity for power. May his ambition be his downfall (Lord, here our prayer).

Which is why I just invested my life’s earnings in bootstrap manufacturers. Suck it losers! Wait, I mean, Loosers!

Aside from the prices, Ikea has this reputation as an Experience. You don’t just go to get furniture at Ikea, you quest through a Labyrinth-like maze to find your one specific bookshelf, fight the goblin king for the right to take it home, and then put it together under a haze of gin and Swedish meatballs.

Because it’s not just a “furniture store”, for a lot of people. It is a “finally!” moment-they finally have access to better quality items at very affordable prices. It’s not about it just being another store, it’s about access.

You are not IKEA’s target market.

Simple as that.