
I actually think that would backfire. The Republican base (and hell, the general population) LOVES hearing “tax cuts”. Mostly because they don’t recognize that it won’t benefit them, but you could call it “Cut Healthcare to implemet Tax Cuts for the 1%” and conservatives would still go wild for it. A lot of Trump’s

And their furniture is really comfortable. I have a ten year old Ikea lovesest (ektorp) that was only $400 and is still the best seat in the house

I agree, and I was worried about this too. But take comfort, as I have, in the knowledge that Trump is going to make this guy look like a complete asshole, regardless of how polished or well spoken he may at first appear. As he has done with all his spokespeople, Trump will send Scaramucci out with strict instructions

I think you’re correct, and in fact I found the whole article a little difficult to read, but you seem like a real turd.

Perhaps I am misunderstanding your post but just to clarify, Gearoid was quoting another poster.

Meh. I hate the beach. I don’t like to be hot, I burn easily, I don’t like the feeling of sand all over me. Tbh, I don’t really get why people like it. I think it’s boring.

We can simplify this even further: what they really are is anti-women

Now, that’s where you’re wrong. It’s just like Jesus said, poor people need to really WANT IT.

Yup, can’t stress enough that when the people being screwed over by this budget (or rather, the slightly less terrible one that will eventually be passed) start to feel the turning of the screw they’ll tune into Fox News, where they’ll be told this is all the fault of those durn liberals. And they will Lap. It. Up.

I wish I had more stars to give. This deserves... all the stars. All of them.

Hah. This is why so many Republican politicians are afraid to do town halls these days. Being made to actually talk to their constituents without the assistance of aids and staffers results in severe foot in mouth gaffes like these. That curtain slips back and they accidentally let people see what idiot monsters they

I’m ashamed to admit I was a fan of “shit on a shingle” (chipped beef on toast) as a child.

Someday I hope to attend one and find out.

Bet you’re fun at parties!

Unfortunately, it probably won’t work like that.

Except for some insane reason his supporters aren’t even mad?

The best Reeses are the ones from Wegmans bulk candy section. Hands down

If I could chime in here, I don’t think OP was saying that identifying ones ancestors is a privilege. I think she was saying that the ability to do so is a product of privilege, ie one would have to be from a cohesive and perhaps well to do family in order to have access to records, or for there to be records in the

Moody Spurgeon had big ears that stuck out.