
Luke Perry? Linda Perry? Perry Farrell? Perry Como? There are many more qualified Perrys in the world. And not all of them are even alive.

I’d rather have Katy Perry as head of energy department. Or Steve Perry. Or Richard the refrigerator Perry or even Fred Perry and I think he’s dead. Dig him up.

Susan, Susan, Susan.....face it—-these are not your people. If you can’t face being a Democrat, team up with Angus and Bernie and be an Independent.

I would love it if she were like “Fuck yeah, I said it! I should have said it a long time ago. This has gone way way WAY too fucking far! IMPEACH.”

I am so sorry, honey. I can’t imagine how much more traumatic this whole thing is for you because of these malevolent asshats. I’m hoping real hard you get good news next week.

I look forward to the tepid non-apology apology from Collins and the conservative media burning her in effigy.

Pretty much what Whitey-Fisk said. Repealing the mandate and taxes alone would bring the insurance market crumbling, most likely, and there is nothing for Republicans to take responsibility for because they would say they didn’t repeal Obamacare, but check it’s failing and it has been failing for years,

They’ll just blame it on Obama, and all their supporters will eat it up and parrot it back forever and ever. Facts don’t matter.

Have you seen their powers of deflection? Trump is the new Teflon Don.

I the irony of McCain, a man who has been eligible for tax-payer funded healthcare his entire adult life (through the military, VA, and Congress) limping back to Washington (pre-existing conditions and all) to kill this bill is just overwhelming.

In an email to me this morning, my mom wrote “You know, I felt bad for McCain last week, but to leave his sick bed in order to take away other people’s health insurance? FUCK HIM.”

What’s the endgame on that, though? Like, if they pass something then literally EVERY grievance people have about the ACA (legitimate and otherwise) is going to get blamed on them.

They (GOP) won’t go for that.

This is the GOP saying, “we can’t repeal it, we can’t replace it, and it won’t completely fail on its we’re going to MAKE it fail.”

The GOP for years has told Christians that they are the real victims of persecution and that they (the GOP) are the only ones who will make America Christian again.

Its amazing how we demonize Mexicans for somehow harming us while we exploit them for cheap labor.

Well I feel safer already.

About a year and a half ago, I asked for a raise. I was told in no uncertain terms that our company was in a hiring freeze and giving out no raises. I understood; we’d lost some clients and had some layoffs.

Six months later, a (slacker) male coworker and I got drunk together and he revealed that he’d gotten two

came here to say just that... if someone is scared... and wants to stop... and the other person doesn’t stop... that’s rape. It’s even RAPE rape.

“ Things just went too far and someone got scared”