
People like Musk are just counting the days until they erode American labor protections to the point where they can do this sort of thing domestically, too.

“if they wanted to shut down longer”

Recent findings show some (most?) biofuels are worse environmentally when you factor in how they are produced. I can’t see hydrogen being better giving, as far as I know, most hydrogen is a produced as a byproduct of oil refining. 

It’s not ridiculous at all.

Rotten Tomatoes Dot Com considers 50% a “rotten” score, regardless of how it arrived at that score. It says so right on the website. I don't know what you're mad at, but it's definitely something in your head.

it is. Rotten Tomatoes is a simple did you like it? yes or no?

Good thing level 3 doesn’t exist. Not subscribing to it will save folks a lot of money.

I saw a R1T up close yesterday. It’s awesome, especially for someone who actually goes off-road: great ground clearance and fording depth, full-size spare, flat underbody. But $15K for subscriptions? Not awesome.

I don’t get this article. The summary (or whatever it is called) under the title says:

Explains why he was acting like a complete douchelord...because he literally is one. Reminds me of my brother in law who never got in trouble for racing/wrecking his cars because my father in law had “connections” with the down-low gay cops in their city. Heck, he even got a slap on the wrist for a DUI where he hit a

I’d have to guess the DA will attempt to try this kid as a adult.

Lots of people go to jail for things they did not mean to do. This kids needs a lesson. Also at his age his record will disappear in 2 years.

His mother and father were siblings.

I just got back from a 4500 mile road trip through the West, including a lot of Montana and Wyoming off the interstates, and I can confirm there are some parts of those states that are almost incomprehensibly remote to anyone living east of the Mississippi.

God damn, I wish they’d just make a traditional two-seater truck instead of all of these, tiny bed, extended cab things. If these shots are real, that’s basically be a weird, fat, modern Ranchero if it weren’t for that extended cab. 

I don’t think it’s a mistake to sell a fun, affordable truck for under $20,000 in the United States. Though I will be much happier if they end up making a regular cab version.

True, though I would point out that the Baja did benefit from a post-cancellation bump when people realized it was actually kinda cool. Also, nobody ever went broke selling Ford buyers anything with a pickup bed, no matter how impractical.

You know, i hear a lot of folks share this sentiment and i gotta say, it sounds insane. A company spending millions to develop a vehicle they intend to lose millions more on just to justify...what, exactly? Who is this aimed at, that’s going to say “I want a small truck, but Ford’s small truck is shit, so i guess I’ll

It would extend to anything dirty. If you could fit a pair of mountain bikes back there, I would 100% love that over my current FoST solution of dropping the seats and laying out a tarp.

It’s fine. It’s easier than butter and crisps the bread well. What is it with you people and making these grand, unsupported statements, and acting like you’re doing something profound?