
Really you gave two choices and one is something you can't buy?

Honestly this seems like a better model, you are at least getting what you want then instead of settling for whatever is available. The second part (receiving in a reasonable timeframe) is just not happening though. I have been waiting 9 months for a car I ordered last year and just got informed they’re probably not

Yeah I would never actually buy a tesla but the buying experience seems way better.

Yep this is for me. I have a Mazda3 hatchback but I’d love a truck for camping, skiing, mountain biking, etc. I certainly don’t need a truck, it’s very much a want. I can do all of these things in a Honda Fit with the right accessories.

Usually you carry a mtn bike with the front wheel over the tailgate, so you only need the length of the back of the rear wheel to the handlebars.

Exactly. I am in the market for a new car and I’d love a truck basically only to carry mountain bikes and camping gear. All of the current trucks on the market are wayyyyyyyy too big (and expensive). The Ranger isn’t bad but the only ones dealers have are $10k more expensive than the base model.

I love the seats in my Mazda3, but I am only 5'11" and I am prety skinny. I can’t imagine they’re comfortable for the average American, but it works out great for me.

When I leased my Mazda I never considered this until the plates came in and I picked it up from the dealer. They didn’t even bother to put the front plate on, it was sitting, with the mount, in the trunk.

Committing a crime comes with a sentence. They have served their sentence and are on parole. They are no longer committing a crime.  You are a shit human being.

What is the appeal of the curved screen? It’s not easier to see what’s on the display, the picture gets distorted, the phone is harder to hold without accidentally touching the screen, and it’s more breakable. 

Gotta add Overcooked to this. Played through multiple times with my partner who doesn't play games. She so liked lovers in a dangerous spacetime but that was a little trickier for her. 

Wearing suspenders directly against the skin under a polo shirt would disturb me 100x more than a nipple ring.

I like working from my office (we have a nice office and I actually like my coworkers) but I don’t see myself going back five days a week. I only have a 20 minute drive so when my lease is up at the end of this year I can’t imagine buying anything other than a piece of shit car to get me back and forth a few times a

I have to wonder if these trends are going to change after the pandemic is over. If people are going to buy half as many cars now they’re realizing that they don’t really need a new car. Is that going to change once it’s easy to go out and buy one again? Or will people just realize they don’t really care that much?

The amount of packaging in the Trader Joes product is obnoxious. Styrofoam, wrapped in plastic, with some other insert for half a pound of food...

Same. Most people really only use their phone to text, browse the internet, and take pictures. For the price the 3a takes incredible pictures.

Lol "allowing to move here" are you going to build a wall around the state? 

If you're planning on driving the car anywhere where other people will be affected by the emissions then yes you should have to pay a fine.

According to the census website in 1994 only 22% of people 18-24 voted, and only 33% of people 25-34 voted. Not great.

Given how few tests have been done there’s likely far more people who actually have the virus, but haven’t been diagnosed. Lots of people show very mild symptoms and aren’t going to get tested or die, so they won’t show up on those stats.