
This is a dumb take. Because this shit is contagious. If they couldn’t spread it to others, sure, I agree, let them get it and get sick and die. But the morons will infect others, other non-morons, and I don’t want that.

I’m sure the healthcare workers that are part of that surge capacity are very excited to also get to take that risk for you.

and those others will be carriers and spreading it in the community. 

Only if they’re locked in their houses and barred from hospitals when they get sick. Otherwise they overwhelm the medical system and people that weren’t covidiots die as a result of their stupidity.

Sorry about the tiny pecker.

Haha his name is glockpointer. GLOCKPOINTER!! How many more substitutes for real masculinity do you think you’ll need before you gain a little self confidence?

Did your mother have any children that lived???

LOL, wut?

As a die hard gear head that really only loves speed, I have come to accept other automotive enthusiasts tastes that I wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. Stance, huge body kits, giant cheap rims on hyper cars that FUCKING RUIN performance. Huge low profile tires on trucks with giant lift kits. All examples of things

What do you mean “some people are worried about emissions”? If you aren’t, you’re clearly not suited for this planet. 

Oh no! I enjoy murdering puppies! Should I have to pay a hefty fine because some people are worried about murdering puppies!? Fuck outta here with this bullshit. If people want to murder puppies then let them murder them. I get it everyone has an opinion but for fucks sake take yours and shove it up your ass.”

What you might be missing is that these clowns are in Utah where, due to our geography, we regularly have the most polluted air in the nation. Because of the winter inversions along the Wasatch front we have dozens of winter days where kids can’t play outside as the air is classified as dangerous to breathe. It’s not

Should I have to pay a hefty fine

eat the shit directly out of my ass

christ what a man baby

It makes me sad that people like you frequent this website :(

Annnnd...we know who’s voting for Trump come November.

Wow, did you manage to jam a Mountain Goats reference in that article?!

I think they should fine The Discovery Channel one billion dollars for making terrible television and being such a failure to humanity.

See, I would prefer that they have to buy back each and every truck and get it to pass smog at a California Smog Ref.