
(It was 1.5% - 2% last I looked, which is slightly worse than the 1% of the flu)

Funny, it’s like Trump and his right wing propaganda machine care more about how he looks than people actually dying.

Oh really? Please educate me.

What is overly sensational about quoting the CDC?

“TWICE AS DEADLY AS THE FLU!!” which is technically correct

Anyone, go to a Trump rally and cough.

But this isn’t ‘returning to normal.’

Also possible: Younger voters see the writing on the wall with Hillary2.0 aka Biden and are giving up on the Democrats.

Yeah! Let’s throw our chips in with one of the worst democratic candidates! Brains? Nope. Skill? Nope. Tact? Nope. But he’s the man for the job! Anything to not upset the great white wealthy status quo! So what if that’s exactly the status quo fucking you over. Change is SCARY SHIT! Let’s do nothing and call it Great.

It isn’t shocking at all; young people NEVER vote. Bernie was pissing into the wind expecting it to happen because of him. 

No one else in prison gets to go to an actual hospital for having high blood pressure. You have to be actively dying, and even then, they’ll probably just ignore it. How do I know? My mom is incarcerated in a federal prison and has every health issue under the sun, which they do fuck all about. High blood pressure!?!?

‘We’re delighted,’’ said Vaughn L. Beals, Harley-Davidson’s chairman. ‘’It will give us time that we might otherwise not have had to make manufacturing improvements and bring out new products.’’

While I cannot bring myself to hope for an actual pandemic, I hope this fear bottoms out the Dow for MONTHS. As wretched as the next recession will be, it may be the only real motivating factor to get the rich cabals to dislodge Dump.

But who could have possibly predicted that the Baby Boomers would eventually get old and planned for it?  Who?  

Check out the Trumpster’s hate face when National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Anthony Fauci stated the FACTS about a COVID-19 vaccine yesterday:

Oh, dear...

Orange is the new Black

Yes, yes. Democrats are deeply concerned about the fate of...Harley Davidson. So clever you are. 

It is literally Trumps fault because he slapped a bunch of tariffs around the world and they retaliated by hitting Harley with tariffs.