
Well then Pete fucked up, didn't he?

Which is so fucking dumb. That statement was bracketed by Sanders rightly renouncing Castro for his authoritarianism, but it is objectively true that the literacy program worked. A program that was praised by Obama, darling of the centrist democrats.

Exactly, and it’s that kind of status quo ideology that’s going to kill the dems in the election. Buttigieg and Klobuchar are both campaigning on the idea that what Americans want more than anything is a return to the way the world was before Donald Trump. It’s all I can do not to scream at the TV and say “NO! That

This. I detect no greater motivation behind him, just “I want it because”

If it wasn’t for those radical policies of the 1960's (and all the work progressives have fought for since then) Pete probably wouldn’t be married right now

I have a special loathing in my heart for Pete Buttigieg. I just dislike him on instinctual level. He’s every teachers pet. He’s every gradegrubber. He’s every shithead son of the manager who Thinks he’s in charge of you.

Everything that’s being offered here is already being offered somewhere else, somewhere people already do these things.”

Bernie’s not my first choice, but if you think that he hasn’t “been vetted” at this point then you’re a fool. He’s the frontrunner in a primary where the party itself doesn’t like him-if they had some dirt, they’d have shoved it into Ol’ Joe’s hands so hard he’d show up on TV wearing wrist braces.

I love how every tweet ends with “America deserves better.”

Wait, why was she accompanied by her grandfather? If she’s mature enough to be carrying a loaded weapon she’s mature enough to represent herself, and to look after herself at legislative hearings. I’m gonna bet that grandpa and her parents insist on never letting her out of their sight because they (correctly) think

She got her first deer with this weapon at 9

I tried to come up with something witty to say but all I can think of after reading this is Fuck Mike Bloomberg. He is the only person that can make Trump look genuine and sincere.

Doesn’t seem too harsh to me. Taking away toys isn’t a particularly harsh punishment for a misbehaving child, so if an adult is going to actually make threats against people then this is the least I’d expect.

As you point out most people can’t write code, so whomever gave that deadline was relying upon Shadow to tell them the truth.

Who the fuck though naming a voting app company “shadow inc.” was a good idea. Jesus everyone who worked on Hillary’s campaign is an incompetent boob who should never be allowed near politics ever again. 

It’s amazing how little compassion there is for technical difficulties. If there’s one thing regrettable about this from the outside, it’s forgetting who we are and making the event results more important than the people who did technical work intended to report those results. How quick we are to make others wrong. On

How bout this: it might take time to tally the votes of a bunch of people yelling at each other in a high school gym.

Iowans already have trouble battling their perceived status as the slack-jawed yokels of the Midwest, and this does nothing but lock it in. They lapped up months of attention, and on the biggest night, they shit themselves in the worst possible way.

Great idea! I used to spend a LOT of time in WV. My SO and family lived there, in a tiny town an hour drive from anywhere else. And that sums up why I think this is great: it was at least an hour to go anywhere for those residents. They had Family Dollar and Dollar General and Shop and Save, but if you wanted Walmart

Oh, fuck off already, Hillary.