
Everything that’s being offered here is already being offered somewhere else, somewhere people already do these things.”

Bernie’s not my first choice, but if you think that he hasn’t “been vetted” at this point then you’re a fool. He’s the frontrunner in a primary where the party itself doesn’t like him-if they had some dirt, they’d have shoved it into Ol’ Joe’s hands so hard he’d show up on TV wearing wrist braces.

I love how every tweet ends with “America deserves better.”

Wait, why was she accompanied by her grandfather? If she’s mature enough to be carrying a loaded weapon she’s mature enough to represent herself, and to look after herself at legislative hearings. I’m gonna bet that grandpa and her parents insist on never letting her out of their sight because they (correctly) think

She got her first deer with this weapon at 9

Doesn’t seem too harsh to me. Taking away toys isn’t a particularly harsh punishment for a misbehaving child, so if an adult is going to actually make threats against people then this is the least I’d expect.

Man everyone be hating on Bernie all of a sudden. It’s almost like certain folks are afraid of him winning the nomination.

CNN Trying to make this Wrestlemania. They need to stop.

This heifer.

Hillary Clinton is a fucking entitled ingrate who is desperate to be fucking relevant.

If the DNC had screwed over Obama in 2008 like they did Sanders in 2016 we would have had 4/8 years of VP Sarah Palin. There is no way she would have beat John McCain. HRC was a very divisive candidate who was extremely unpopular in the swing states that she lost. That is a fact. Trump won because the RNC could see

Dam, where was this energy when he endorsed and campaigned for her 4 years ago. Could saved Bernie some time and humiliation. Even after Hillary and the DNC cheated him, he still supported them. To this day, he still doesn’t bad-mouth anybody (even as his “friends” and fellow party members are stabbing him in the

Would it kill her to accept an ounce of blame for running a piss-poor campaign and condemning us all to 4-8 years of Trump? Fuck her and the corporate funded jet she flew in on. She’s was and is part of the problem and the best thing she can do to be part of the solution is to go get lost in the woods again.

Kind of a bad look from someone who also constantly whines about Sanders supporters not supporting her enough when she won the general.

Those terrible, terrible people and their insistence on a candidate who puts people over power and money. Utter filth.

Hillary Clinton calling anyone a ‘career politician’ whom ‘nobody likes’ is the single greatest example of the pot calling the kettle black that I’ve ever seen.

He should definitely have reined in the Bro's a long time ago, but it's ridiculous to pretend they're his only supporters. Her deluded entitlement was always her downfall.

Oh, fuck off already, Hillary.

When are we going to acknowledge her toxic supporters blamed black people for not voting for her after 2016 was over and done with (instead of the obvious issues of voter suppression that was actually at fault for limiting voting in key states like MI and WI)? When are we going to acknowledge that she allowed all of

isnt it great we cant say; how much her political baggage and poorly ran campaign didnt help her win an election from a family friend nutcase, with votes from bernie supporters who still get shit from her fucking turd supporters who claim time and again bernie supporters didnt vote for her; because it’s sexist?

go the