
Thanks for saving me from watching this video. I’m really tired of all the crap articles on other website which pretty much tell you watch the video. Journalism these days suck because all that matters to them is clicks. Whatever happened to inverted pyramid? At least there was some information in the article,

The way it work in most of Canada is better.

A base Macan has 248 horsepower which sounds a lot more than the CX-30's 186 horsepower until you factor in that the Macan weighs 700 pounds more.

Macan 2.0T - 16.52 lb/hp
CX-30 AWD - 18.02 lb/hp
CX-30 FWD - 17.37 lb/hp

I agree. Which is why I said the Mazda 3 AWD would be my choice. In the article. 

It drives great, feels great, handles great, and has good user interface. I don’t fit well in it because I am a big boy.

Did you even read it?

It’s literally explained in the article. 

It’s not “free.” It’s just paid for by someone else.

If the busses are packed, it is working.

I’ve never emailed Buzzfeed and told them someone was a child rapist 

Lol - you’re pasting the definition of a straw man argument to defend against a post showing your post was a straw man argument?

I think you are confusing verdict with sentence.

Better transit and less congestion is simple - but it’s not easy.

An insult and insinuating that someone is guilty of one of the worst things a human can do, aren't in the same ballpark. 

Ahh, the ‘He started it!’ argument. Brilliant.

Y’know, I was having a very good day, until I read this.

It works if you do it slow enough that it is not a shock.Europe has high gas prices and they seem to do just fine.Over time people will move to smaller cars.

Not meaning to start the typical internet shouting match (I swear!), but those weren’t bad moves, at all. The Detroit bailouts paid for themselves and were a *fraction* of what Trump is now handing out to corporate farmers as a result of his trade war. Cash For Clunkers was NOT an environmental move; It was an

I’ll just say, Obamacare worked great where it worked. What killed it was all the red states that were willing to cut off their own noses to spite their faces. My family used Obamacare for three or four years. It gradually got worse as it was dismantled, but it was still better than the cut-rate insurance offered by

Please please please, cant america just raise gas taxes?Come one,it’s the ideal answer!It solves everything in one go.
- People will HAVE to reduce fuel use.The environment wins!
-More taxes coming in means america might,finally,eventually,OH-MY-GOD-JUST-DO-IT-ALREADY, reduce their insane federal debt.
And best of all,it

Most people who can't afford to buy a decent car live in apartment buildings that don't have any way to charge an electric car. Very few apartments are going to have any way to do this unless they're built and inhabited by wealthy people who can pay $$$$ for those extras. Most places I lived didn't even want to fix