
The reason why doping is forbidden is because it is dangerous for the athletes involved. It gives those athletes an advantage that their competitors can’t match without also ingesting chemicals with dangerous side effects.

I don’t think the cycling electric assistance is an appropriate comparison. In the running/shoe example the human body is providing all the power necessary to propel the person at a particular speed. The shoe construction and material minimize the amount of power that is lost. In the bicycle example the motor is

Running a marathon distance is sort of the definition of running a marathon. 

Yes, really. The point of choosing this course, of getting together a team to give him favorable conditions that are all but categorically impossible in an open race, intentionally creating better-than-ideal conditions is to see if, even under those constraints, a marathon under 2 hours was at all possible. When you

one who’d like to preserve the perception of themselves as brave truth-tellers, but would prefer not actually having to engage in any of that risky truth-telling business.

I disagree with a lot of what you are saying here. I do wish that Kerr said more, but you can’t just jump from “he didn’t say what I wanted him to say about this issue” to “stick to sportzzzz!”

Guaranteed that cologne and that beer are the same product in different packages.

Honestly, I do bike it.

4 miles? what about a bicycle ?

What if I told you that on most flights, the only difference between the bathrooms in first-class and the bathrooms in coach is the location? Unless you’re flying internationally on a jumbo jet or something, first class bathrooms are exactly the same as coach bathrooms.  I just figured someone should tell you before

I wonder if you’d tell this to a kid on a flight who’s desperate and in need of a bathroom. “You don’t have money. Go shit where you can afford to sit.”

Exactly, it’s possible they’ve been underpaying for a year, used that money elsewhere, and now they have a giant bill they are begging everyone else to cover. Sure it sucks they got a giant bill, but if you’ve been happily underpaying for year, don’t come crying when the utility realizes their mistake!

The sad thing is you are not even aware you should be embarrassed. 

i can’t tell if you’re joking or you’re that stupid to believe he’s not making money off the presidency... LOL

Why did you pick this particular rich guy to masturbate to? In the pantheon of conservative rich guys, there are a lot smarter, richer, saner ones.

you know you’re being laughed at, yeah? and it will be the politest thing you’ll experience for the rest of your life- and beyond? See, you guys keep thinking this is a lefty thing- right vs left rather than a right vs wrong one- and when your partisan extremism puts party over country, by definition you are no longer

I get it, but because it was his prior actions and statements that damned him to that ‘requirement.’ He actively supported them, doing everything BUT saying, “I support the KKK.” AOC was not caught in a bathroom stall munching on.... ya know... unless GOP is gonna start calling pro-choice people baby eaters lmao...

If you’re looking for the various ways that Trump has made money from the presidency, OpenSecrets has a good itemized list.