
Trump cares what the stock market closes at, and nothing else.

No one is going to bridge the divide between the house an senate and anyone who thinks that is going to happen has not been paying any attention the last 12 years.

It depends on where you live. If you live in a state where the vote will be close then yes, you are throwing your vote away. If you live somewhere that it isn’t going to be close vote for whoever you want. I live in a state where my vote doesn’t matter so I’ll likely be voting third party.

I don’t understand why people are getting upset with millennials for not voting. Is there any good reason they should have? Our entire government is a gerontocracy. We’ve seen that the Democratic establishment has no interest in courting young voters. Everything is about maintaning the status quo.

Totally agree with you. It’s easy to see why HD is suffering, but hard for me to understand why this isn’t an issue across the industry (or maybe it is but we don’t see articles about it). I’d love to ride but I just can’t justify it given how unsafe it is.

“attending its rituals in tight quarters—where members are required to sit closely together and are likely to infect each other” - doesn’t that apply to every major organized religion? At Catholic church you shake hands with everyone around you at the end of service. 

Also he’s coming off a stint as a college athletic director. 

The fact is young people aren’t riding motorcycles very much anymore. The median age of a rider has gone from 27 in 1985 to over 50 today. Beyond the whole “millennials are killing everything” issue I am sure at least some of it is a safety issue. As a whole we are becomming much more safety consious as a society, and

At this time the flu is really something to be more worried about since you’re much more likely to get the flu. However, this is much more lethal in the event you do get it. I have read the flu has a mortality rate of about 0.1% whereas this is about 2%. In both cases deaths heavily skew towards people over 60,

Like most cops this guy lied about why he shot the kid. His claim that he was throwing rocks was proven a lie by cell phone video. 

Right? Migrant children are forced to go to immigration court alone, with no lawyers, I think this girl should be able to handle herself.

It’s such a stupid idea. Yes, I do fear idiots walking around with loaded guns everywhere. Those people are obviously scared of something too given the fact that they feel the need to carry them. What they’re afraid of I’m not quite sure.

Where is the evidence that Bloomberg is going to persuade swing voters and non-voters? Your idea seems to be that we need to “secure democracy” by awarding the presidency to Bloomberg on the basis that he has the most money. That idea (like Mike Bloomberg) fucking sucks.

The negligence was 100% on the end of the party, not the software developer. 

A much cheaper, though very different, option is to get a smart trainer and a subscription to Zwift. The trainer will run you $3-600 and the subscription is only $15 a month.

People are asking her questions about the documentary she made about herself. She wouldn’t be getting asked the questions if she hadn’t decided to make a documentary about herself and then release it during the primary.

You could make the same argument about Clinton. Her shitty centrism highlighted how out of touch the Democratic party is with a huge swath of voters. 

Spotify’s playlists are far better than Google’s. I would switch to Spotify if Google Music didn’t also give you ad-free YouTube.

If it is a reasonable price I would switch back to iOS for a nice small device. I hate big phones but apparently I am in the minority.

As someone who has lived in both Utah and Michigan I can attest that the driving is vastly different. In Michigan I was one of the slowest drivers on the road. In Utah if you go 5 over you are in the left lane passing everyone.