
Thank god we got one more criminal off the streets and into the morgue right? The guy was drinking in the park and that escalated to an armed standoff. Do you honestly think the police did a good job resolving the original issue?

We’re already proving huge subsidies to oil companies. More importantly, we don’t come close to paying the actual cost for non-electric vehicles when you factor in the emissions.

I doubt any city will come right out and say it but lowering the speed limit is partly to make driving less attractive. There are going to be plenty of places where cycling is faster than driving (even if you are only riding 15 mph) since you can lane filter and skip huge lines at stop signs and traffic lights. 

This is top five dumbest articles ever posted here.

Surprised it didn't say, "I am a brotha."

At the end of the college football season any team with a .500 record or better can go to a bowl. There are a handful of good ones and then 8,000 terrible ones that feature the fifth best MAC team playing the right best mountain west team. They are all sponsored by varying levels of random companies.

There are a number of countries working on central bank issued digital currency. The Bahamas and the territories in the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union are two examples.

After years of pushback from the bank industry they did introduce same-day ACH payments in the last few years. However, they’re not free like the 2 business day payments, so they’re not commonly used. People have gotten so used to having garbage banking services that there’s no reason for them to improve.

This is already done in some places. In Seattle you can ride one brand of the ebikes for free if you drop them off in certain places.

I like the variety. You can only watch people run in a circle at different speeds for so long.

You got it. It goes 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10a, 5.10b, 5.10c, 5.10d, 5.11a, 5.11b, 5.11c, 5.11d, 5.12a... and so on. I’ve never seen less than a 5.5 but I suppose it is possible. 

For a while they did use just whole numbers, anything less than 10 doesn’t have the letter at the end. 5.10 was considered the hardest someone could conceivably climb at the time, so there was no need to go higher. I guess when you got to 5.10b it didn’t seem like you needed to go much higher. That would have made a

Eh it’s one of those things where no matter how good you get you see other people at the gym absolutely crushing stuff so far above your level that you never get better than halfway decent.

No, you also need to compete in bouldering and lead climbing. They are all combined for one medal.

The only reason that the speed route is higher than a 5.9 is that there is a pretty big reach between holds. They’ll all decent holds and the wall is vertical, so there’s no overhang. I’m a halfway decent climber (5.12a-ish is my limit) and the couple of times I tried the speed wall when it was set up at my gym it

From what I have seen they’re mostly just happy to be there. It has been interesting to watch (mainly on Instagram) some climbers learn how to speed climb.

There’s a couple of confusing things going on here. 5.5 is much easier than 5.14 - it is “five five” and “five fourteen.” The second number isn’t a decimal. The other thing to know is that originally 5.10 was the hardest until new equipment (mainly climbing shoes) was developed. Then they added 5.10a and 5.10b. Then

If he is accurately saying it is a 5.6 or 5.7 difficulty that is absolutely “novice” climber territory. If you go to a climbing gym that will be the difficulty of the absolute easiest climbs there. Every single person in the climbing gym can complete them.

I mean if he’s a freshman that means he was likely born in 2001. Do you think he has ever even seen a phone booth, much less used one? Good luck finding a land line in the dorm either. 

Unwrapped loose candy corn.

Unwrapped loose candy corn.