
Make them dig the letters out of a giant slime-filled nose first.

For me they seem to work fine. I’m sure they wouldn’t be realistic for someone who is going through thousands of dollars of weed per year though. 

I can speak to this as someone who used to work at one of these sites. I don’t want to name it but let’s call it They don’t do anything to the dealers who post garbage on their site because the dealerships and the OEMs are the customers, not the people using the site.

That’s a shit ton of weed. A package of edibles is like $25 and will get you high like 12 times. If you are getting high every day that’s $760 / year. Granted you are probably going to build up a tolerance at that point and need a little extra, but for $2,500 of weed you’re barely ever going to be able to drive a car.

I remember reading about how the stadium workers would find foul balls when cleaning the stadium after games because there were no fans near enough to catch them or pick them up.

Adopting a kid from a country you hate is taking lying about having a black friend to the extreme.

I don’t agree with that. Cars are durable goods and there’s no reason that everyone needs to have one when the vast majority of the time they just sit there taking up room on the roads or real estate in the parking garage.

Good luck to you. That is a rough situation. It took a long ass time for me to believe that there were jobs that people legitimately liked, but they are out there. 

Good luck to you. That is a rough situation. It took a long ass time for me to believe that there were jobs that people legitimately liked, but they are out there. 

This is a big one (as someone who used to loathe their job and now has a good one). I used to start getting anxious about going back to work on Monday morning like 10 minutes after leaving the office Friday.

This seems like a halfway decent idea to me (naming conventions notwithstanding). This is not implying that someone isn’t as smart because they are poor. There are obvious advantages to being wealthy when it comes to taking the SAT. Someone who can afford SAT books, tutors, or classes is at a distinct advantage to

Seems very odd that the GOP is so fond of subsidizing the healthcare of people in other countries at the expense of our citizens. 

I agree with you that the energy costs are lower if you are looking at how much gas it takes to get a person from point A to point B. Personal ownership clearly wins in that case. The winner isn’t as clear if you start to talk about the energy it takes to produce a car. It’s obviously more efficient for one car to be

The GND galvanized people because they learned about it from people who massively misrepresented it in order to rile people up. Every complaint about it is something about eating hamburgers or not being able to fly, when the actual text of the bill just states the issue and goals - not any recommendations for how to

Thankfully they also lower the cost of ownership by totally ignoring all of the negative externalities of driving and massively subsidize the oil industry to help everyone out.

Exactly. Which is why it is baffling to me that they can somehow say owning a car costs 72 cents a mile when there is such a huge range of factors that goes into that.

How does the cost per mile of an autonomous car range from $1.58 to $6.01 but a regular car costs a flat $0.72? If I own a car and drive it zero miles in a month I still have to pay registration and insurance and if I live in a city I likely pay (a lot) to park it.

The driver was going faster than the other traffic. The HOV lane is not there so you can drive any speed you feel like.

Wow that’s amazing that you can tell someone’s country of origin just by watching a grainy video of them driving. Very impressive. 

This fits well with his policy of anyone killing a stripped naked brown person while serving in the military gets a pardon.