
Ironically Tiffany ends up looking the smartest of all of them just by getting ignored completely.

It’s incredibly easy to make the point that the ncaa is garbage. I’m honestly amazed how many words were wasted on the worst possible example of this. Such a dumb article.

I truly cannot understand wasting this many words on trying to shit on a coach who is by all accounts a great coach and person. The NCAA is a garbage organization and deserves all the bad press it can get, but losing someone like this is only going to make it worse.

I mean he’s not wrong about windmills. A cursory Google search suggests a couple hundred thousand deaths per year.

80% of Americans live in urban areas.

If you have so much common sense you should read the actual text of the deal, which does not mention cows in any way. Someone obviously fucked up when editing and leaking the draft but for that to make it dead in the water is fucking stupid.

I love Budweiser Tapper. Is that game the pinnacle of product placement? Also it is criminal that Burger Time is missing from this.

‘Accidentally’ spill a cup of coffee into it.

Huh. I guess it was more the obvious problem that people who are in charge of things are usually in charge of them for no reason.

The actual problem here is that “the boss was an asshole.” A decent boss would listen to their employees and try to make their work life better. 

I’m guessing that’s what they want. You can save a lot of money getting people to work from home.

I think the effectiveness of the open office depends entirely on your coworkers and the company culture. I 100% believe people when they say it is hell for them. I also currently work in one and think it is great. Our team is far more collaborative, gets more done, and it is all around enjoyable. If you replaced a

GOP small government telling you where you need to shop now.

Probably the same store Paul Manafort got his wardrobe at.

I don’t see why he cares. He literally admits that he lost tons of money in the tweet but spins it as him being smart. The people that support him literally could not care less if he lost a trillion dollars a year.

0.161%, not 16.1%. 100 x less likely.

This is the correct answer. None of these gifts will ever get used. Booze will always get drank. 

This is the correct answer. None of these gifts will ever get used. Booze will always get drank. 

Start having a bunch of shitty opinions and they’ll call you up from time to time to try to pander to idiots who won’t buy their paper because it’s too liberal.

Jenny Mccarthy at least got famous on her own merits. Meghan Mccain is only famous because her dad was.

Did you get to see the Knoxville Sunsphere before or after it was filled with wigs?