
Patchwork is great for two players.

I’m pretty sure the fact that kids in multiple states are only going to school four days a week, don’t have enough books, don’t have drinking fountains in the school, go to school hungry....probably hurts the kids more than teachers walking out for one day to fight to get the kids what they need to learn.

I remember as a kid there was a promotion where a dealership was giving away a free Kia Rio with the purchase of a truck. Every time I’m in a Kia today I am super impressed by how nice they are.

He changes an ‘and’ to an ‘&’ but then I gave up looking for thr second.

If the market was actually dictating the price it would be much higher and no one would bother using rideshare apps. The fact is every ride is subsidized by investors and that neither company is even close to profitable. Not a great market. 

I’ve had both and they’re pretty close. I’d say the impossible burger is a bit meatier. I don’t think most people would know if you served it to them without telling them it’s not meat.

Right? This reminded me of a more expensive version of my first car, which I loved. Then I remembered that I bought that car almost 15 years ago, and this one is only two years newer.

This price seems insane. The first car I bought was a 1990 Volvo 240 that I paid $2,000 for. It had 60k fewer miles so that is part of the price...but that was also more than a decade ago.

Also her dad was a narcissistic asshole who only looked like a decent human compared to the company he kept. 

It really all comes down to the decision: do you knowingly vote for a pile of human garbage who will make the entire earth measurably worse off, or save 1% on your tax bill for a couple of years?

Yeah honestly it would have made more sense if Netanyahu was the human leading a Trump dog along on a leash. Besides the anti-antisemitism this is offensive to blind people.

Right? If you can destroy the entire army by stabbing one guy you don’t have that guy go into the middle of battle. How is everyone so good at organizing into lines but can’t think of any strategy at all when the battle starts?

They should shoot each other. 

Haha, that’s such a telling quote. It very clearly implies that she routinely makes decisions that aren’t in the best interest of the citizens of Baltimore. This time she is considering not doing that though.

Sister of the girl the bartender cheated with is not a protected class.

Finishing Hollow Knight was a sad moment until I started to realize there was about 30 hours of stuff left to do.

Kingdomino is great and you don’t need kids to play it. It is super easy to pick up but there’s enough strategy for adults. It’s a great choice if you have friends you’re looking to get into board games.

Kingdomino is great and you don’t need kids to play it. It is super easy to pick up but there’s enough strategy for

What is that blue car on the right and where do I get one?

The downside is that considering their parents thought it was a good idea for their kids to meet Trump they probably have a garbage home life and will grow up to be idiots.

When I got laid off two years ago I collected my severance and my unemployment and it was great. Got paid more to have no job than I did when I worked. No one should feel guilty for collecting unemployment. You already paid for it - that’s what it’s there for.