
It’s legitimately pretty good now. It’s not gourmet or anything but it’s yummy and cheap.

Also the polls would open an hour earlier and stay open for the same amount of time, so this argument makes no sense.

What’s so amazing about this is if it was a human driver not paying attention no one would care. It wouldn’t be news, and if it was everyone would shrug and blame the person for jaywalking or riding without lights. Throw in a shitty company and now everyone cares about pedestrians all of a sudden!

The idea that this is Ubers first test flight is flat out wrong. This is not their first time using the tech.

The wright brothers plane flew like two feet off the ground.

Had it been a Tesla it would have been the same outcome.

She was also a cyclist / pedestrian so she would have been considered to be at fault regardless of the situation.

Not a chance in the world. If he goes to jail at all it means we have decided to make a massive shift in how we treat pedestrians and cyclists when they’re involved in an accident. It is stupidly hard to get in real trouble for hitting a cyclist. Here’s a great example from Chicago where a repeat drunk driver doing

Yeah this was just all around stupid from the city.
City: Have a bunch of cheap subsidized electricity!
Company: Sure
City: We need to ban that company

If you’re thinking of buying the DirecTV deal, don’t. I spent half an hour trying to get it to work across an Apple TV, an Android phone, a Chromebook, and a MacBook. It was insane. The chat support was so useless I had them cancel the account. You can find a stream for any game on Reddit.

If you’re thinking of buying the DirecTV deal, don’t. I spent half an hour trying to get it to work across an Apple

If you read Ben Carson’s book (which I did before he went full blown moron) he makes it explicitly clear that he has directly communicated with God multiple times in his life. One of those times was when he didn’t bother to study for an entire semester, then decided to cram for the exam the last night. He basically

And don’t forget the lease expires in 2083.

Chicago is infinitely cleaner than New York.

That’s not the main purpose. Most cryptocurrency is not anonymous at all. The entire history of every transaction is completely public. If you know someone’s address you can pretty easily see exactly where their money has gone. Anytime you want to convert it back to fiat you are going to go through an exchange which

That’s not at all what this article is saying, I am not sure how you got there. Not once does it mention men competing against women. It just points out that within the separate gendered groups the actual distances and events have been modified for no apparent reason.

And then they keep showing the same stuff over and over. If you watch for a couple of hours you are guaranteed to see the same thing. They have endless hours of sports to cover but show the same event twice in three hours.

We haven’t used the gold standard for almost 50 years.

Regressive taxes are bad. This could be done in a way that is not regressive. We should also tax these apartments. Maybe use the money to build adequate transit options.

They didn’t have them revoked because they are doping with things that aren’t illegal yet. Russia may have money and access to Nike but which country do you think it wants to spend its money on? Which country will have athletes that are more marketable for them?

That’s a good point about people who live outside the city and need to commute in. Are there places they can drive to outside the zone then commute in?