
Calling it 11 school shootings is pretty misleading (fortunately). It seems that only (only!) two of them were of the “student brings a gun to school to shoot another student” variety. One was a pellet gun breaking the window of a school bus where no one was injured. Two seem to be stray bullets where no one was

Unfortunately I think you could replace her with a golden retriever and Trump’s base would be just as energized. Rational people hate Trump an no amount of propaganda is going to stop that. The only way Trump’s base will have less of a boner for him is if they replaced Sanders with a minority.

Republicans boner for the 2nd amendment and refusal to many any sensible changes to gun laws is what is sticking your head in the sand. Constantly focusing on deporting hundreds of thousands of law-abiding immigrants while white people terrorize the country with guns is sticking your head in the sand. Endlessly

75% of people in Manhattan don’t own a car. This is only targeting people wealthy enough to own a car.

Why doesn’t the subway count? In Manhattan more than 75% of people don’t own a car.

Cars do these things constantly too. The only difference is they weigh 3,000 lbs and kill 40,000 people a year.

So the road was invented for cars, but later on we invented horses and bikes were invented last, correct?

“Poor” people aren’t driving in Manhattan anyway.

There’s a difference between having a license plate displayed and allowing someone to track your every move using it. All the plate is doing is identifying the car for someone who is physically able to see it. This is giving ICE a massive amount of additional information.

I saw that, but it doesn’t seem correct. The car is smashed into the back of the truck on the right side of a yellow line. You can see it is in the left lane, because there is a bunch of traffic going the same way to the car’s right. There is a police car in a lane to the car’s left. Unless there is a second emergency

Oh Utah. I live in SLC and every day drive past a billboard that boldly proclaims “COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE CONTAINS PORN.”

It looks like from the pictures one end of the truck is in a normal traffic lane, and the other is across the double yellow on the other side of the road.

You don’t need the iPad. The screen on the dash is bigger anyway and has built in wifi.

Autopilot can detect more than just the car in front of you, but this could have something to do with it. It will be interesting to see what Tesla says. My bet is also the driver blaming it on Autopilot when it was actually them not paying attention.

From the pictures it looks like it is in a regular lane. The firetruck seems to have its back end in the normal lane, and the front end across the double yellow line into oncoming traffic. That makes a little more sense - it’s unlikely the Tesla would have gone over the double yellow.

A coworker took me out in his last week. You really don’t have to do anything as long as there are lines on the road. The car follows the car in front at a set distance which you can adjust. If you hit the blinker the car will change lanes. It can handle merging and getting off the freeway. If you don’t touch the

I’m guessing you never died in an accident, yet 40,000 Americans manage to do that every year.

Teslas can change lanes and park. A coworker took me in his last week and we changed lanes a number of times on the freeway. All you do is hit the blinker and the car finds a safe spot to move over. When you are in a parking lot the car recognizes that and will let you know if it recognizes and open parking spot when

I’m assuming by “they” you mean the US legislative system? Because they had plenty of time to figure out a way to allow these people to stay. Instead we are just randomly picking a date and saying GTFO.

They did figure shit out. They live here. They pay taxes here. They’re productive members of American society. The country they escaped from still doesn’t have its shit together.