
These people have their shit together. The country they escaped from doesn’t.

Anyone with a basic understanding of cryptocurrency and gardening can see why tulipmania is not a good comparison. When you leave a tulip bulb in the ground what happens? It makes more tulip bulbs. There is a potentially limitless supply of tulips, any rare tulip is only rare temporarily. Most cryptocurrencies have

What has happened that correcting a bunch of factual errors is “well actually”ing? I didn’t see anyone (other than one clearly joking comment) say Bitcoin is never going to fall or nothing bad is going to happen. It’s annoying to people who understand the topic to see a tech blog posting tons of factually inaccurate

Fact checking is being a white knight now?

You can. The price is up about 10x in the last month.

There are a couple of reasons for that, and it is important to know that does not mean that 4% of people who have Bitcoin own 96.5% of the total supply. One is that Bitcoin addresses are meant to be single use. Another is that they are incredibly easy and free to create. I personally have probably created a couple

That’s like saying someone who has a bunch of Apple stock doesn’t have anything they can actually use to buy things. That’s true, but they easily could. It’s just as easy (if not easier) to sell Bitcoin for fiat as it is to sell stocks.

Why? The government has seized and is selling property of someone who has not yet been convicted of a crime.

If you have the address anyone can see what is in a wallet. You won’t necessarily know who’s wallet it is, nor would you be able to do anything other than view the balance or send it more Bitcoin. The authorities must have gotten control of the private key if they are going to sell it.

Expedia, dish Network, Newegg,, and likely a surprising number of small businesses near you will be happy to give you something for “free.”

For people who store their coins properly there is virtually no way to steal them. The government has no way to make it disappear, there’s an immutable record of who owns what spread across thousands of computers. I’m not saying that the price will never fall but so many of these comments, and the article obviously,

I think you meant to reply to someone else, otherwise I don’t understand your comment at all. What triggers a seizure in people with epilepsy can range pretty widely. Before I got on medication to control it riding in the car in general was not great for me. Sunlight through the trees was the worst. The article says

Not unless it is blasting a strobe light in the passenger’s face.

It certainly has its roots in a really bad place (Columbus day even more so) but your average white people Thanksgiving isn’t a bunch of people cheering the slaughter of Native Americans. Most of us are too ignorant to even know it happened. We just gather with family and watch football. No one even talks about the

What if they did something totally different than what they actually did? Who fucking cares?

From the G League website: 18. Who is eligible to be drafted?

It is fucking crazy that you can pull out a gun, have it pointed at another human, pull the trigger on purpose, then call it an accident when they get SHOT. Literally one of the most dangerous things that can happen to you - but oh it was an accident.

This person should be going to jail. I cannot understand how a person takes out a gun and deliberately pulls the trigger, shoots someone, and walks away with no consequences. It shows an absolutely insane level of tolerance for people who have no business owning a gun to act like a fucking idiot and seriously hurt

Seems like it. A better headline would have been, “Here’s a video explaining something better than I care to do myself.”

Because the deal needed to be approved before going through the story that is being pushed is that the sale only happened because of a payment to the Clinton Foundation. This completely ignores the fact that it was unanimously approved by nine different government organizations, only one of which Clinton was on.