
I used to work at a company that got nailed by the wrath of the moron Hannity viewer. When he was still pushing the story that Hillary had Seth Rich murdered (before it was retracted by Fox) our company pulled advertising from the show. I worked on the mobile app, and that day we received an insane number of one-star

#11 Someone was mean to me on the internet and now I no longer care about racism. Honestly if that’s all it took for you to no longer care, an anonymous person trolling you, then you probably didn’t care much to begin with.

That is a good question, and one I don’t really know the answer to for sure. I am certainly not a lawyer. My guess is that the hacking laws that are on the books cover a pretty vast amount of things, and it is likely this would fit one of them. I’m guessing it is a slightly different situation than the Sonic rings

I doubt he could have legally kept it - there are still hacking laws even if you aren’t stealing USD. If it was completely accidental then it would be a situation like where you find an unexpected deposit in your bank due to a bank error. The bank could take it back but you wouldn’t be in trouble.

Kind of, but a better way to think of it would be like in Batman when the Joker lights the pile of money on fire. If you suddenly massively reduce the amount of US dollars in circulation then the value of those that are left goes up. With dollars the federal reserve could simply print more, but the number of tokens is

I know this is a sarcastic response, but yes - that literally is the problem. A good analogy for this is if your bank got hacked and their records of your bank account were destroyed. You suddenly wouldn’t have money. The problem would not be with US currency but with the bank itself.

You’re cashing out a quarter million dollars in stock and the best explanation is that you needed some money to move....

I would guess this has far more to do with the abilities of a blockchain to execute contracts for licensing of music. Imogen Heap has done this as well. It allows the artists to keep a lot more control over who actually owns the music and in what ways it can be used. Maintaining that data on a blockchain means that

You’re right. But now I’m curious. What’s up with New Jersey diners?

NJ is known for diners? Like where you get food that you could have easily made at home but you also get mediocre service? That’s what you want to be known for?

Yes and no. If you want to call “72 trace minerals” and a “TB12 sphere” don’t work, but getting up, working out, stretching, massage, eating healthy, and getting good sleep do work. Brady just has a really healthy routine when you take out all the ridiculous buzzwords and marketing garbage.

I completely agree that his guru is full of shit, but if you take out all of the buzzwords his routine isn’t at all. He gets up early, stays hydrated, works out, gets a massage, eats healthy, and makes sure he gets good sleep.

It was originally designed just for the Red Wings. Once the pistons signed on there were a number of changes and additional expenses that were incurred to adapt the stadium for both hockey and basketball.

Those examples where the fitness tracker data was used in court seem to be good things. In one a person’s testimony was shown to be false (she said she was sleeping when the tracker showed her walking around). In one a person tried to commit insurance fraud by burning down his house, but his pacemaker data showed he

Not really. Utah is still predominantly Mormons who didn’t allow black people to be members of the priesthood until 1978 (although the church makes every attempt to whitewash that as well). I know a black guy who lived in Provo who said we went two straight weeks once without seeing another minority.

I did it when I was 15 and couldn’t really get any other job. It was actually ok most of the time, though I imagine I grew up in relatively good area to do it (e.g. not Uruguay or a violent city). Also getting paid in cash is sweet.

Trump’s dumbass rallies aren’t a political event. He is using taxpayer money to throw himself a party and make himself feel good.

You’re both right. The point of the runoff is that it takes 10 seconds-ish to get up to the line and snap the ball again. But you can certainly do it faster than that.

Stealing Netflix (or any other service) is more like printing your own fake coupons than clipping an actual coupon.

Because they are hypersensitive whiny shits. And it largely doesn’t matter what they say anyway, it’s impossible for them to get in trouble.