
Have you done something that makes you worry the government is out to murder you?

It is intensely frustrating watching that guy play the game once he gets it running. How many shots is he going to hit before he realizes you have to tap once to start the swing, a second time at the end of the power bar, and a third to stop it?

I got to drive one a couple of weeks ago in Italy. It was extremely nice. The dashboard looks like it is out of a spaceship.

Interesting - I was totally wrong there. I was thinking of the incident when a team had a dwarf bat and walk on four pitches since his strike zone was so tiny. I went and looked up the story again and it seems that there is nothing preventing that today other than not wanting to use the roster spot.

The strike zone is supposed to be the same size for everyone, regardless of height, and is supposed to be at the front of the plate, not where the batter is standing.

People having fun playing games outside is for white people?

No, the “problem” is that best buy doesn’t sell cases of water, they sell individual bottles of it. The employees wouldn’t even have a way to scan a full case, they would need a different bar code. Also it will always be more expensive to buy groceries at Best buy compared to a grocery store. Think about buying a

Yeah choosing the electric company was probably the worst analogy considering the price of electricity changes throughout the day along with demand.

What makes you think the guy making $8 an hour has the ability to set prices to whatever they want at the store? There are tons of cases of price gouging happening that should be reported on, this isn’t one of them.

It’s funny how much the right loves talking about the free market then when a bunch of dipshits run a website that goes out of business it is because they’re being silenced.

The button moves the car two inches at a time? So to drive a mile you have to tap it 30,000 times to drive a mile?

That is part of why they tested the train with no riders for 1000 hours before opening it.

Growing up I started playing lacrosse because I blew at soccer. There were no brown or black kids in either sport.

Try Certain-Dri. It is an antiperspirant you put on at night before bed. I used to have massive pit stains but after using it for about a year my pits haven’t sweat for over a decade. I know some rock climbers will use it on their hands to prevent them from getting sweaty on the wall. You can also get Botox injections

It seems to me that a fingerprint scanner is easier than the facial recognition. I can unlock my phone as I pull it out of my pocket (it has a rear sensor like this - I also don’t understand the hate for that placement). If you use the facial recognition you have to hold your phone up to your face. It seems like that

I’m assuming very few people use it. Even if something is super useful to a handful of users it isn’t going to matter if 99% of people don’t use it.

Isn’t this the plot of Die Hard 2 but with a bus instead of an airplane?

There’s definitely some pulp in there (you can see it when they cut the bags open in their videos). But apparently it is fine enough that regular old hands are strong enough to squeeze the juice out of it.

Yeah I fail to see how strapping a bag of juice into this thing and waiting two minutes is a good time saver over using normal juice that comes in a bottle. It does sound like a nice office perk, though I can’t say I would be happy to know that’s what my money was going to if I was buying that product.

I think it has something to do with the general lack of interesting people in the NFL and the league’s general attitude towards fun or interesting players. I don’t really have strong feelings on Gronk but at at least he tries to be entertaining.