
The only thing they muted was him saying “fuck em” which seems fair.

That is all that was muted. This is an intentionally very misleading article.

The commentators made it sound like the event was running behind schedule and they were trying to speed it up by skipping the victory lap.

But now you’re OK with it? What is your point?

The outrage when Obama was golfing was coming from Trump. He constantly complained about it. He certainly seemed to care how much golf he was playing. He also said that as president he wouldn’t have time to play golf. 

Stupid divers are problems for cyclists, pedestrians, and other drivers. I wish they gave tickets for all of the stupid shit I see drivers do every day. Your main gripe seems to be something that is completely legal to do, so it isn’t very likely you are going to see tickets given out for that one.

This has been debunked so many times it is embarrassing that it still comes up. Most people who bike also drive. The amount of taxes drivers pay come no where close to paying for roads. The roads cars drive on are massively subsidized by everyone.

He looks fine. Look at some elite marathon runners and how thin they are. Or most professional cyclists (other than their freakish legs). They aren’t relying on having a store of body fat to make sure they make it though the event.

Because it is full of comments like yours. People being assholes. Not actually adding anything to a discussion, but making some stupid fucking assumption about another person and trying to insult them personally. 90% of the comments are useless shit like yours trying to go after a person who you have never, and will

Twitter is simultaneously fantastic and absolutely terrible. Shortly after the election I gave it up and am much happier for it.

The lack of reaction is because it is an exhibition game that no one really cares about. There’s no point in putting in a lot of effort on a play like this in a game that doesn’t matter.

The DBs are claiming that new luxury boxes and scoreboards are “repairs.”

Did I miss something where there is a genetically modified tomato jellyfish swimming around somewhere?

I think it is pretty hard to say that there is nothing else she could have done. We only know a tiny part of the situation, but in the article that is the only thing mentioned. There is no mention of ever trying to get it to stop any other way. I have been a high school boy before; they are all essentially dumb apes.

Guys like Tom are dipshit high school kids who need to be parented better. I am not excusing his behavior but I don’t think daily physical violence is going to teach people a very good lesson.

Is it normal to have the comments edit the articles?

That would be the cause of the initial leak, not the reason the company’s monitoring failed.

No shit it isn’t a win for the protesters. They weren’t asking for more oil spills. No one went, “YES MORE OIL SPILLED INTO THE ENVIRONMENT WE WON!”