
This is from Time’s interview with Tiger a couple of months ago:

I remember reading an issue of ESPN the magazine probably 15 years ago that talked about how Matt Hoffman was the toughest man in sports. Some of the injuries he had were absolutely insane. I remember there was something about him getting surgery done outside of the US with no anesthetic where he at one point had to

It has to do with the idea that he was concussed to the point he had no clue what was happening on the ice, yet the trainers let him stay in the game afterwards. Not really a good idea to have him go back out on the ice.

The fact he didn’t leave the game reflects much worse on the training staff than the player.

The one I had the odo worked. Not that it really matters since once it goes over 250k it might as well say “A LOT.”

The batteries only last about an hour according to the website.

That’s incredible. I have never seen anything like that. A black kicker?

One birthday my girlfriend bought one of those massive cookie cakes. It had yellow and blue icing all over it. I probably ate 30% of it. The next morning I took the greenest shit ever. Needless to say (being hungover and not putting together the fact that blue + yellow = green) I was somewhat concerned. Anyway, later

It sounds like Uber is measuring acceleration, not speed. As long as the car accelerates at a normal rate they could end up going 9000 miles an hour without issue. I will say the primary reason I use Uber or Lyft is because the drivers don’t drive like insane people with a death wish.

Also even if the records were in the correct order it wouldn’t make sense to say turned the program around after they went from 0-12 to 12-2 in one season...the program would have already been turned around.

They guy who made it is a professional filmmaker. It is Casey Neistat.

Every comment here is from someone who will let an autonomous car take the wheel from their cold dead hands, yet should be the first people off the road when the technology becomes widely available. “Ever heard the saying a sleep-deprived driver is worse than a drunk driver? After this road trip, I can confidently say

You guys are jackasses. Glad you didn’t kill yourselves or anyone else.

That hit was nasty, but let’s not forget Lindros had like 90 other concussions in his career. I remember watching games with him waiting for him to get hit and just die on the ice.

And then got kneed in said shoulder. That said, the announcers were crying about the hit itself, which was fine.

OK fine, but to make it fair anytime someone driving their own car causes an accident everyone else gets to freak out the same way they will the first time an autonomous car causes one.

A moving sidewalk has basically none of those benefits, other than maybe saving some time. It would also be insanely expensive to replace existing sidewalks with moving ones, so that comparison makes no sense at all. People don’t die at alarming rates because of poor walking habits.

Or he/she has a phone and doesn’t use an iPad as a GPS, uses Gmail, and talks to their friends on said phone.

Considering most human drivers give more importance to talking on their cell phones than the safety of others that doesn’t really concern me. Is there any evidence that drivers are good at making split-second decisions like this?