
The clip with the guy climbing the mountain was just someone using ascenders to follow a different person who had already climbed said mountain.

The one from the Shining seemed like a stretch until I noticed the carpet - it is the exact same pattern in both movies. Pretty subtle but actually pretty cool. For the people walking toward the camera the movie that came to mind for me was Reservoir Dogs.

It’s like he doesn’t realize he is 100 years old and shooting 12% from the field and still thinks he should get away with whatever he wants.

[Phone Rings]

Eh, that’s like asking rich people to pay more taxes instead of using all of the available loopholes. They found a better way to do the same thing, and are reaping the benefits. That said, the cab companies should also focus more on bettering their service instead of bitching about Uber. Riding in a cab is awful.

Cabs don’t always drop someone off and pick someone else up at the same time. There would still be a time when the car was empty as it drove to get the next fare.

So true. The prices are insane, you can’t see shit, and the other fans are the absolute dregs of humanity. Why people ever go to NFL games is beyond me.

I don’t get it.

Yes but it is exciting news when Apple does something that has existed for years (e.g. NFC).

REI is nothing like Amway. A membership is like $20 and it lasts forever. Every time you buy anything at full price they give you 10% of that back at the end of the year in a gift card (in addition to other benefits). So comparing it to a pyramid scheme is way off base.

I’m with you. Occasionally they will ask if there is a sale going on or some reason to get a membership that particular day, but in general no one asks me. Maybe I just look like someone who already has a membership though. And with that in mind I have always had really great, really knowledgeable service there,

They’re just regular cars that drive themselves much more safely than a human can. They don’t need special infrastructure.

Plus there were no bad calls in the Michigan - MSU game at all right? Everything was officiated perfectly.

Why would you NEVER drive even a little drunk, but defend others who do?

Not free, but I did work for about 3 weeks for $10 an hour after our start up ran out of money. I am pretty sure our CEO was paying us out of his own pocket so we could keep our health insurance. A number of people did leave but the CEO encouraged me to stay and help out though the acquisition we were going through. I

OK even after updating the article it is still wrong. You can look this shit up. It is public record. Good god this is the laziest article I have ever seen.

To be fair Brady had a lot of issues punting. When he was coaching Michigan had a punt returned against them for a touchdown while they had 10 men on the field. The next week they had another huge kick brought back against them when they again had 10 players on the field. That guy is a dipshit.

I want to point out that the headline of this article is incorrect and the author either cannot read or willingly chose the wrong headline. Literally the second sentence of the NPR article says “10 people were major donors.” That doesn’t mean 10 people total donated. It means those 10 people on average gave $1,500.

Wait for those to go on sale at REI and they are ridiculously worth it. I have one that is about a quarter the size of whatever drake is wearing and it keeps me warm all winter in Chicago.

I have seen the following car twice in Chicago, but sadly I don’t have a picture of it. It is really three cars in one. From the front seat up it is a totally normal Crown Vic. The back seat is a convertible, although that might be the wrong word since I doubt there is any way to convert it back. to having a roof. On