
Can someone invent a bicycle helmet that keeps 85% of comments on any bicycle related article from being stupid complaints about cyclists rolling through stop signs?

The fine is less because riding a bicycle without lights poses much less of a danger to others than driving a car without lights. One weighs 20 pounds and goes 15 miles per hour, the other weighs 3,000 and goes 50.

Black Flag was the first AC game I played. I was so freaking confused when the VR stuff started happening, I had no idea that was part of the games. Every sequence that I had to play in the office was so stupid, and totally took me out of the game.

What is he reacting to? The election was last week. There would be literally no point to doing this to regain popularity now.

A batter running to first is never an out based on a tag.

One time when I was about 16 I was trying to get a lawnmower out of my grandfather's garage. It was a tight fit, and I couldn't get it out without moving the car. I don't really remember how I put the car in neutral and started rolling it out of the garage (apparently I had the keys to put it in neutral but didn't

So basically recreate the plot of How High?

Some random guy's dog in GTA V. I had just finished killing a dozen or so police officers and was trying to hide in someone's back yard. I flew up the driveway and drifted into the yard and turned someone's puppy into roadkill. I felt awful.

The whole being a fat slob who can barely read act is getting old.

You should. At this point I am not sure if Hoke and Brandon are actually as stupid as they seem, or if they think everyone else in the world is even dumber than they are.. Every minute either of them are on staff is insulting.

According to MGoBlog (which is a credible source) the reason it took so long is because the AD was pressuring the medical staff to lie in the report.

He could have, and should have, called a time out. Gardner could have stayed in the game. The refs actually asked if dipshit hoke wanted to take one and he declined. He didn't use either of the timeouts the rest of the game either.

For money. They only donate 10% of the proceeds of all of the pink shit they sell, and keep the rest.

The video had literally nothing to do with Ferguson. No one is getting you started on anything, you are just interjecting your opinion anywhere you feel the need.

I can't decide if that is seriously the name of the book, and I am too scared to search for it, or the guy's name, because I am 99% sure I will get fired.

Regular Cheerios are damn near inedible without adding about four tablespoons of sugar on top. Same with Rice Krispies. I have a hard time believing people actually eat those not in treat form.

And give them metal bats and balls that are filled with weapons grade uranium. It would just be 900 foot home runs and decapitating line drives.

I suppose that seems odd if you're used to auto racing. I think probably it is acceptable since the bikes only cost a few thousand dollars and a normal (wealthy) person could buy them a a shop. There are a lot more accidents during a long race like this than most people realize - think about 100 people riding in a

Most of the time the route goes through pretty sparsely populated areas. It would be way too difficult to shut down a large city for a 100 mile course. Most of the ride is through the countryside and mountains. The exception is the last stage, which finishes in Paris.

They need quick access because sometimes the riders need to change bikes during the race. After a crash they will swap in a new bike right away. The course is planned in advance, but the team cars are driving along the course with the riders.