
"Didn't really watch the show" and also don't really know what you're talking about. The vast majority of the men didn't even come close to finishing the course. As far as the ones who did she was in the middle of the pack.

It is surprising because a lot of gymnasts have tried and failed. Male Olympians have tried and failed (seriously, the Hamm brothers were on the show and neither made it through). Gymnasts typically aren't the best at the course, there is so much grip strength and stamina needed that rock climbers tend to excel.

+1 Nematoad

Malts = Kirk Maltby, Drapes = Kris Draper, McCarty = McCarty. Not the most creative nicknames ever.

For everyone involved just go be a fan of a differnt team. Sorry that the management could only get four cups in the last 20 years and make another two finals while making 23 years in a row. Fuck Ken Holland, what an ass. He is probably pissing himself about your 22 tickets you aren't buying next year.

That is to add more surface area to the cube - it makes them cool the drink faster.

That last link is a post of a guy taking a picture of with Pierzynski at the airport - the headline of that one was meant to be sarcastic.

That is awesome. I did not know such a thing existed.

Has anyone actually bought one? How can five pieces of vinyl be that expensive?

It has actually been around for a long time. I remember hearing about it at the last World Cup, but at the time they didn't actually use it.

That is just smart, I am really surprised that more people don't do this. You have the same chance of winning (after all, who cares if someone else wins too? You still get paid), and you very slightly decrease your risk of losing.

I am guessing that will never happen, but it is a good thought. The same thing happened in hockey as well. After helmets were mandated the incidence of big injuries went up. There were fewer minor injuries, but more severe ones.

I agree and disagree. I am not sure it was a good movie, but I am sure I didn't like it. When someone asks me for an example of a movie I hated I immediately think of this one. Of course that is all subjective, but this was one I never got.

Watching these videos is amazing. I went to the implosion of the Hudson's building in Detroit in 1998. It was still one of the coolest things I have ever seen. We watched from inside an office building across the street - when the cloud of dust came up it was almost pitch black inside since it was the weekend and the

Some random old man bought me one of those in a random townie bar on my 21st birthday. The taste was really not as bad as you might think. The texture was like cottage cheese.

I live in Chicago and I am afraid to leave my dog outside alone. She looks like a wolf, so would probably be a target for something like that. Joke would be on the person stealing her, since she is cuddlier than a newborn kitten.

So that pretty much sucks (or is randomly good for) people who's ISP puts their IP in a different state then.

Brent didn't get 20 years. He faces up to 20. He will get far less.

No, it is not OK, I was being sarcastic. It is just one of a million things about this year's Olympics that is totally reprehensible.

Gotcha. If you're curious I have had almost no problems with that in Chicago. I have taken about 150 trips since it started and only twice have I ever not been able to get a spot where I wanted to drop it off. Since there are so many stations you rarely have to go more than a couple of blocks to find an alternate