
“You don’t have to be friends with your coworkers, but you can be friendly with them.”

Those things suck but you have to make an appearance. Even after three years. Like the Holiday party. Arrive late, hammer down a couple of drinks, sidle up to people you sort of work with (don’t waste time with your department, or the guy you sit next to), chat for a while, and then do the Irish Goodbye.

That’s hilarious. The campus riots over Halloween costumes, the safe spaces, the manufactured outrage over “micro-aggressions”, the open weeping over election results... but yeah, conservatives are the thin-skinned ones.

But then who will hire Isiaiah Thomas?

According to the District, property values take a short-term hit but are otherwise not affected.


I saw this guy in the background on Legion. Still haven’t figured out what the hell he is.

You didn’t mention the trans community, or POC. What are you, some kind of racist homophobe? You’re literally worse than Hitler.

“...socio-economic backgrounds,”

And once you’re in that club, you don’t get bounced unless you go to jail. CEO destroys company: gets $20MM payout, serves on a couple of boards somewhere, gets another C-level job.

Stockholders need to somehow rebel and let it be known that no suit is worth tens of millions a year.

There’s a speed camera with a 25mph speed limit near where I live on an off-ramp/service road coming off a highway, which they justify by saying it’s a school zone. The school is 1/4 mile away and there are literally zero pedestrians ever in this area. So you are doing 55 on the highway, and the second you turn off

I often wonder where the poor huddled masses of Los Angeles will live in 20-30 something years.

The “mostly black” standard baseless accusation of racism aside, why the fuck would anyone want 180 very poor people moving into their neighborhood? If someone has struggled and saved their entire life to own a home, enjoys their lifestyle, and it is their primary asset in their life, who are you do-gooders to march

Here’s a thought: if people can’t afford to live in LA (or New York), maybe they should move somewhere else. What is the point of endless subsidies - housing, food, medicine, legal, transit - when there are vast tracts of unoccupied housing in other, less valuable locations?

Here’s another question: If I hit really big on, say, a Super Bowl parlay, what’s to stop the bookie from just saying “Haha, fuck you.”? I can’t go to the Better Business Bureau. I guess I could go to the police, not to complain about being stiffed, but as a Concerned Citizen reporting a gambling operation. But now

Eh... the same do-gooders who have made gun ownership for law-abiding adults in NYC an expensive and onerous proposition (and carrying one nigh impossible) whine about every effort to introduce gambling into the city. “Thousands of lives are ruined because of compulsive gambling. Think of The Children!”

I do have one kid. She’s in college now, so it is a lot easier for me to advocate blowing up the system and starting over.

I will be honest, I haven’t read a whole lot about her. Part of the attraction, the unknown entity.

Of all of Trump’s appointees, I am interested to see what DeVos comes up with. Reflexive Democrat criticism aside, she is a true outsider who is only involved with education out of a sense of charity and duty to fellow man. She’s rich and doesn’t need this shit.