I think the public school system in general is a disgrace that needs to be torn down and re-built.
I think the public school system in general is a disgrace that needs to be torn down and re-built.
Fantasy. Fantasy that anyone outside of deluded college kids and a handful of lefty dunces were going to vote for a 90-year-old socialist that’s never held a real job, wrote weirdo rape fantasy fiction, whose wife bankrupted a college. And never underestimate the anti-semitism of the American public. Guy would have…
Do you mean the policies Bill Clinton passed which killed unions Yay
Openly mocking religious people (well,Christians - they can’t mock a muslim) has been a winning strategy for them, too.
Fucking education needs to be improved in this country
Yes, the schools are awesome in all the liberal-run big cities. New York City forks out $20K a year per student to churn out generations of imbeciles. Well, mostly to fund 6-figure pensions for teachers...
Yeah, this asshole did that to two girls, and part of his excuse is “my mom’s boyfriend was mean”?. Brick him up inside a room and never let him out.
My wife has the flu so after work I went to Shop Rite to get her Advil and crackers and Gatorade. You haven’t seen a sadder bunch of ugly people than the ones grocery shopping on Valentine’s Night.
When I was a kid (in heavily Italian NY in the 70s) , there was spaghetti, lasagna, ravioli... and everything else was “macaroni”. Ziti, penne, elbows... they were all macaroni. And no one called it pasta.
My coworker at the next cube just asked what I am laughing about.
Fortunately, hotels provide fantastic auxiliary wiping substrates: their washcloths and towels! Dampen with hot water, wring out, and you are practically surgically sterile. That is livin’.
Brown the (turkey) in a pan, drain and toss it in a pot, pour a jar of Prego over top, sprinkle some oregano and crushed red peppers in there, stir, and pour over the shells. What am I supposed to call it?
About 8 squares of Scott, folded over a bunch of times to make a pad. Repeat with 6. Last hit (if needed) with 4. Then a finish pass with a Kirkland unscented diaper wipe (that gets thrown out, not flushed!).
I stand and wad.
“But we can create new jobs that use both extreme automation and a highly educated workforce...”
Imagine if there was a market for juvenile socialist political screeds and HamNo became wealthy. I am sure he would donate all but the bare of life’s necessities to starving orphans, and never buy anything frivolous. For he is virtuous!
I spent about double what I planned on an engagement ring because that’s what you do. One of my then-fiancee’s points was “It’s an investment that will go up in value”. Curiously, when I asked her if we could sell it a few years later and buy a Mustang, that was not received well.
$20K or $26K for a part-time internship is pretty damn good money. These are low-skilled workers getting exposure and a shot at working in their industry of choice; plenty of businesses pay nothing! What do entry-level employees in other entertainment fields get? I bet an apprentice Key Grip would be pretty jazzed…
Perhaps if the palestinians prove they can behave themselves, some of those restrictions would eventually be lifted.