
Interesting how only some employment situations are so “free”. Like, aren’t people free to choose not to take a job if it doesn’t, say, offer abortifacents as part of their health care? Or if your religion requires goofy headgear, aren’t you free to choose a job that doesn’t prevent that?

The only thing funnier is years ago when “And 1" was popular. Every chubby blonde ten-year-old kid with a faux-hawk was walking around with ice cream all over his face, tall black socks, and a t-shirt aggressively announcing how sick his hoops game was. When there is no way that kid didn’t get picked last for every

I needed some sweat-wicking shirts to wear on my treadmill, and maybe to Six Flags if it’s insanely hot. UA wanted $40. I got some no-name shit in solid colors for like $5 each and have worn them for 15 years.

“Golfing as a leisure activity is on the serious decline.”

The first commercial with that moron yelling about protecting his house was enough to make me never ever consider the UA brand.

In the late 80s, half the guys in NYC were sporting a Mets Starter jacket. God, those were the days: Met dominance/Yankee irrelevance, unironic mullets, and my waist size being smaller than my inseam.

Three slices was the minimum, it would occasionally be four or even five. Meant we had to order one more pie than we otherwise would have.

Haha... nope, New York City. Hannah was a pseudonym. Ashley wasn’t, because 30% of girls born in the mid-90s were named Ashley. The rest were Jessica or Brianna.

Yeah, that was a long time ago. Hannah is 22 now, dropped out of school, wrecked her parents’ car twice, and has a fondness for beer and weed that seems to have overtaken her desire to figure out what she wants to do with her life. We should have seen it coming.

Read his vasectomy story before you finalize that decision.

Yikes. Best of luck.

Less fun turd story! Many years ago I worked as a laborer on a huge residential construction site. Over 100 cheap, attached homes. Our main task was keeping the site clear of debris, both indoor and out. A big part would be cleaning up after the subcontractors; like, once the tapers finished a unit, we’d go in,

I was sitting at a Springsteen show at the Garden about ten years ago, and was suddenly engulfed in a tidal wave of beer. I turn around fists up because I assume some nut had just poured an entire beer on me and who knew what was next.

Almost as freakish as his shirt somehow coming untucked at lunch. Unless he’s going home for a quickie, what the hell?

My daughter came home from a play date and at lunch the next day announced that she needed the crusts cut off her sandwich “like Ashley’s mom does”. Nipped that shit right in the bud: “Ashley and her mom are both idiots. We’re not wasting food. Eat your sandwich.”

I have never met anyone who did not refrigerate their ketchup.

“Potvin Sucks” has the right number of syllables to go with the whistle/chant.

Parking at Citifield is already a nightmare. So of course the Wilpons want to build an arena in the parking lot for a team no one gives a shit about, in a sport very few people give a shit about.

Take a look at the prices of round trips on the LIRR. Vince used to drive 5 minutes from Rockville Center and park for$10. Now he’s gotta drop $80 to take the family on a train. 40x a year?! I’m amazed anyone from LI goes.

I have no empathy for Islander fans, having been a Ranger fan years ago (Potvin still sucks). But “whiners” for not wanting to take a train? Round trip from, say, Bellmore can be $20-30. Taking the whole family? Yay, $100 just to get to the damn arena!!