
Even the most hardcore lefty has to admit that “card check” is an especially repugnant means of organizing. It’s straightup voter intimidation.

Mild annoyance. Its more theater than anything. That, and a jobs program.

To the extent that I do think about this, which is very little, it’s mostly “Oh, some people coming from countries that hate us were subject to some extra scrutiny. The horror!”

Even further from athlete, but still sport-related: Dick Pound.

If that is for sale for under $10,000 I will go buy it tomorrow. I need something that can seat 6 adults comfortably.

I have a ‘66 convertible that I DD’ed for years. It’s been promoted (demoted?) to infrequent summer jaunts. I don’t understand why these are so cheap compared to other similar cars from the same era.

I’m not “old” yet, meaning I don’t wear black socks, shorts, and sandals.

In NYC, Long Island, and other areas nearby, teachers are enormously overpaid. $100K + gold-plated benefits + pension for a part-time job with no accountability does not exactly endear them to the taxpayer. It is virtually impossible to fire an incompetent or bad actor. The kids are all idiots, despite us spending

That is just one of many reasons Reagan is so beloved. Hopefully Trump sends some union goldbricks packing soon.

My wife got an office job at a City college near us. Union job, and the rules are ridiculous. Everything is based on seniority, so elderly, staggeringly useless employees are allowed to hang around in perpetuity. One (very nice) 74-year old refuses to leave because “I’d have nothing to do at home”. Thing is, she

A non-partisan group of lawyers dedicated to ballot integrity, PILF, has found thousands of illegal aliens registered to vote in Virginia alone. When asked to provide voter registration records for inspection, as required by the National Voter Registration Act, the localities ignored them. With elected-official

My criticism is of the excessive use of Executive Orders by anyone. We are a nation of laws, and a representative democracy. Not some third-world banana republic with a Dear Leader. Congress has shamefully abdicated their responsibilities and goes along with being usurped. They all just go along to get along,

Hey, remember the past 8 years when Executive Orders were awesome? They were a way to break up the sclerotic system that was “broken” and not at all a way for the president to bypass constitutional delineation of powers in order to enact policies the public clearly didn’t want.

I generally like shopping, but one time I was feeling kind of antsy at an outlet mall. So when my wife suggested splitting up I said loudly “OK, I’ll go in a couple of shoe stores, then I’ll meet you in Lane Bryant”. Later she was waiting outside the rest room for me. I came out and loudly asked “Hey, when did we

I used to read the Gashleycrumb Tinies to my daughter when she was little. She eventually memorized it and would horrify people by reciting lines from it.

My wife asked if it would be OK for her to invite some friends over. I eagerly assented. We’ll have the game on in the background, but no one gives a shit about it. We’ll just be eating and bullshitting, and probably watching the commercials closer than the game.

“At what point do you just skip the soup at the restaurant and hit CVS”

Triscuits are great. The rosemary and olive oil flavor is so good you can eat them plain.

This is correct usage. Anything else is unsettling.

My in-laws refer to each other as “Mommy” and “Daddy”, as in “Mommy wants you to bring cake tomorrow.” And my wife and her sister do the same. But when addressing one, the in-laws use proper names (“Mary, you gonna make the coffee?”), and their daughters use “Mom”and “Dad”. It’s weird.