I would buy the fuck out of that issue.
I would buy the fuck out of that issue.
Oh god, I am so so sorry that happened to you. *offers consensual hug*
Yay! Thanks for the recs. I figure at my age, it's no worse than any other hobbies I could have. :D
I doubt she really gets that much out of making fun of stupid commenters.
The regular one, or min-eBay?
I just want to know where you get all of those awesome miniatures!
I love you.
The answer is clear: Show up with Amanda Palmer brows.
Nnkay, so obviously you've never had to deal with a full day of taking care of someone who is incapacitated. After you've fed them, bathed them, changed them several times, changed their diaper AND sheets, you go out to your car and find someone threw a trashcan on it.
We'll be sure to remind you of that after you've had a horrible day.
So, Jess is dating Nick but preggers by SCHMIDT! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN!
And they say women couldn't stand the heat of battle. SHE, ladies and gents, is who I want to be in a foxhole with.
"Uncle Terry's Rape Van"
What will make him go away? Because I'll fucking DO IT.
Back in the day my mom used to say to me, "Stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about!" Justin Bieber's perpetual cry-face makes me want to say the same thing to him.
HA! Jolie Kerr's take on it would be a treasure.
You are an amazing person.
I can't wait to see the Jezebel feature on How to Dispose of a Body.
Mrs. Patmore, forever and always my jam.