Holy shit, guys! NECKBEARD ALERT!
Holy shit, guys! NECKBEARD ALERT!
We should give slutty dudes the same treatment we give women:
It is now.
Dude, really? You can link all you want, but how many people will willingly read an essay on their own time? Have you never met a young person? If the tweets get through to them, then the message will too.
I want to share this comment everywhere. Can I post it to GT?
Why is it people like you can't take common-knowledge statements as fact in an article? If I said the earth revolves around the sun, would you need me to cite my source? Certain things are conventional knowledge; they don't need to be backed up with research in every blog post for the statement to be taken as fact.
The entire movie should have been played by the Skarsgard and Mikkelson families.
How to throw a really great Mocking White People party:
"and I certainly can't let them get away with that."
I'd appreciate it if Ryan Murphy didn't turn AHS into another fucking Glee, please and thank you.
No, as white allies it's our responsibility to get clueless white people to listen, to start thinking about how their privilege is so damaging to black people, and it's our responsibility to elevate black voices. Theirs are the voices that need to be heard, not ours talking over them.
She is very much NOT missing the point. Believing that #CWW will have any impact on white people's deeply-held beliefs of black people is, however, missing the point.
Clueless white people will always find ways and reasons to avoid the conversation. They will ALWAYS think, 'This doesn't apply to me, so I don't have to pay attention.' And they will always be wrong for it.
Right, because women should all be quiet and docile, lest we be labeled attention-seeking rape magnets.
Your style. I like it.
Oh, Anna Wintour. Your opinions are as old and outdated as your hairstyle.
I may be wrong about civil suits, but a number of states have gotten rid of the SOL for rape anyway.
It looks like it varies by state. Some states have no statute of limitations at all on rape cases in civil suits.
There's no statute of limitations on civil cases, are there? These kits might still be useful for that.