  1. Urine is not sterile, even before it comes out of you and gets contaminated by your skin. Bacteria are present at low levels in theurine of healthy people not suffering from a urinary tract infection, Evann Hilt of Loyola University of Chicago reported May 18 at a conference of the American Society for Microbiology.

I'm not denying anything. And yep, I'm evil as fuck. Now will you please piss off?

Seriously, ratched down the histrionics. This post was about the Mpreg subculture, which is a fantasy world. You can pretend as much as you want, that's fine, but I'm not going to be accepting of anybody who expects me to sympathize or care about a pretend pregnancy. I haven't villified anyone, once again these are

Holy crap, you are sanctimonious, aren't you? Way to be intentionally obtuse while still playing victim.

Wow, you really love to play the victim. Show me where I called you names. Show me where I said I hated you. Show me where I publicly shame you.

Right back atcha. ;)

You are so full of shit. I don't have to accept your fetish any more than you have to accept mine. I don't care about your orgasms, okay? If you want to daydream about sucking off little green men from Mars, go for it. I could mot care less. But do not tell me I have to give a shit about men who pretend they're

No, they don't. Their characters do, and by pretending to suffer and demanding we pay attention AND ACCEPT their lifestyle, they're just as bad as the scammers who pretend to have cancer for sympathy.

Never did I say even one of those things. However, you just went against everything the author and Mpreg enthusiast talked about. This is a kink for you, not a lifestyle fantasy. It IS about the sex for you. Do whatever you want with your kinks, I don't care.

Because unlike wanting to ride a unicorn over a rainbow, your "fantasy" is something actual people have to deal with on a daily basis. I'm sure there are plenty of fandoms out there devoted to women who want to be men, white people who want to be black, straight people who want to be gay, et cetera, but your

Oh golly, you're right. Shut it down, everyone! Nobody experiences harassment or discrimination like gay men do. We're all just pretenders, they're the TRUE victims in the hierarchy, and also we can't be concerned about more than one thing at any given time!

Good. Good.

Feel the change, EMBRACE THE CHANGE.

Aww, I love you too. I still don't want to have your butt baby, though.

But, but, but, they're not REAL men, like these guys who want to be butt-pregnant with another man's child. SHUT UP, THERE'S NOTHING SEXUAL ABOUT THIS!

Yep. Being able to pee out of the tent while camping is literally the only time I want a dick.

Can't we just bring back vagina dentata? I liked that one.

You suck for making that comment.

I, for one, am excited about bringing Mpreg culture to light. For once, we can truly experience equality.

Let's hope poor kitty is not declawed.